»10« - bokuaka & kurokentsukiyama

266 9 2

3:55 am

Akakaka, Rooster, Duolingo and 3 others are online

Duolingo: sometimes my life is like that one lyric in that one song

Duolingo: "i hope that she, looks at me, and thinks shit he's so pretty"

Duolingo: but like change the she into a he

Rooster: we feel ya

Mommy: y'all are already horny for each other wtf

Gaymer: don't judge us

Gaymer: you're horny for daichi too

Mommy: oi shush

Akakaka: @duolingo who??

Duolingo: you

Akakaka; bitch i already do

Daddy: i have no idea who's dating who now


Mommy: like legit i feel like i can only trust iwaoi

Shittykawa: thanks :))

Dino is online

Dino: can y'all please fucking stfu

Rooster: babe no

Daddy: i thought you were dating kenma?

Gaymer: yea he's dating 3 guys

Gucci is online

Gucci: wait kenma not yet

Mommy: ...

Mommy: bruh what

Rooster: woops

Rooster, Dino, Gaymer and 1 other is offline

Mommy: WHAT

Shittykawa: by that i think they're poly

Shrimp is online

Shrimp: who's poly?

Milkboi is online

Milkboi: a relationship between 3 or more people dumbass

Shrimp: O H

Mommy: omg we're educating him without corrupting him here

Mommy: this is my dream come true

Daddy: go to sleep please

Mommy: goodnight, sweet dreams, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Mommy, Daddy, Shrimp and 3 others are online

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