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At the Hospital

Y/N : Wake up "Ugh..Where am I.."

Slowly open her eyes and Y/N saw her two bestfriends (Park Young Min and Sasuki Dashiki) were there so did Lee Know! It almost made her cried just for always be there for her...

Sasuki : "私たちはバス停の床であなたを見つけました...何が起こりますか?" [We found you on the floor of the bus stop ... what happens?]

Y/N : "よく覚えていません..." [I don't remember...]

Maybe the faint that Yeom gives made Y/N don't really remember what had happened to her.Meanwhile they're were having a conversation,Young Min and Lee Know were talking to the doctor.


Doc. : "We'll see what we can do...there's not much time left..."

Before hearing a bad news Young Min already knew what was Y/N's disease...but she chose to keep it secret from Sasuki and Y/N. She told Lee Know not to tell Y/N how much time do she have so Lee Know said that he would spend the rest of the time on her before she go...

So after she out of the hospital,he started to be more closer to her and also have a feelings for her♡.Everytime he saw Y/N's hair fall..,he gave her a big bright smile that can make her day :). Y/N have no idea why is he acting weird like this...

Y/N : "Is everything ok? You've been very nice erm but I'm fine.."

Lee Know : "Yea I am,just smiling nothing's wrong te-hee"

Y/N : (I can't hold his laugh... It's too cute for meh Aaaaa なぜ!!! ) [Why!!!]

Lee Know : "Aaa.. Are you okay Y/N?"

Y/N : "Uh Oh ye-yeaa Just my imagination hehe.."

Lee Know cannot express how cute she was but he just waiting for the right time too...unexpectedly,Lee Know slowly raise his left arm and put in on Y/N's shoulder...Y/N looks like she like it so she leaned her head to Lee Know's shoulder too...What a wonderful day of them both aww..

Yeom : "Oh so you wanna play it that way Y/N?I wanna play it like that too~"

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