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"I just can't do this right now Livvy, I'm sorry ok"

"Seriously Hugo, you are breaking up with me in a parking lot? Why? Because you are scared, we are starting college in the same town, we can work stuff out, there is literally nothing wrong with this?" his eyes weren't telling the truth, we are starting college in a month, I'm moving into my share house in a week, he's meant to be moving into his dorm. Things were ok?

"You need to look after yourself okay, your mental health is just a lot for me at the moment with everything an-"

"Wait! My mental health is too much for you? Shit can you just imagine what it would be like in my head? For you to now throw that back at me when you've always said I can chat to you and rely on you Hugo, what the-"

"No Olivia, you an still rely on me, we will still be friends, I just need to be single and I think you do too"

"Right" I unbuckled my seatbelt grabbing my bag "Well I guess I'll see you around"

"I love you Liv, don't take it personally okay, we'll still be friends and you never know maybe in the future-"

"No, none of that bullshit. See you around" he frowned looking disappointed, whilst I was trying my best to ignore the dull ache in my chest and prevent any tears slipping "Bye" I rushed to my car where I'd left it before we went to get lunch, don't cry Liv, do not cry.

"Don't cry, don't cry"

You know when your heart and chest just feels so tight, you almost feel like it will explode, it's an uncomfortable feeling, almost numbing, just a throbbing ache. That. That sensation is the feeling of someone gently reaching in to your chest and squeezing your heart, almost till it stops pumping, but then they let go and it slowly starts pumping again, its bruised and sore though, so it hurts and its heard to breath. The feeling your heart may stop, but it doesn't, it keeps going, no matter how much it hurts. That is heart break.

Hugo Evans just did that.

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