Chapter 4

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Can I ask?

"ahjussi? Are you even listening?" Jungkook's mind got back to the real world, he blinked and looked at Haeri. She asked him about the question but he didn't reply because he was busy thinking. About the guy from the drawing. "A-ah, this word is beak, what animal that fly and have a beak?" he said. She was studying English. She smiled and said "bird!" she said and wrote slowly. Jungkook stared at Haeri. His head was leaning on his hand. "Haeri can I ask?" she looked at him with a confused face.

"is your father happy when your kedari ahjussi come?" he asked, she shooked her head. "he looks a little sad but he smile, I saw his hand shaking before but I acted like it was nothing. I think that daddy sometimes he needs to stay alone." she said and focused back to her book.


"mother?" a little boy around 7 years aold said,his mother collapsed on the floor and the blood was flowing from her head, the 7-years-old boy was shocked, he couldn't move but he looked at the tall figure standing looking at her with teary eyes, he sat in the floor and shaked the boy's mother shoulder "I-it's not the time for this, Y-you can just die like that-!" he shouted, the little boy's tears falled. The tall figure looked like he expected what happened, he didn't call the ambulance or did anything except crying.

"father, what is happening to m-mother?" the boy asked, his father looked at him with sorry eyes, the boy understood with the look.


Jungkook opened his eyes, he was sleeping on the table and Haeri was still studying, he rubbed his eyes and looked at the wall clock. There was still much untill Jimin comes. He sighed and went to the couch then sat down. The dream from before. It was his, he hated and blamed his father for killing his mother, how did he know? The police found out later that before he was born his father abused his mother alot untill she had a very weak body, after that he was born and his father took a good care of him, but not his mother. That is how she fainted and hit her head on the coffee table hard that she bleeder untill she was brain dead. There was no reaction from the brain stem so she was mentioned as a brain dead then she was sent away.

His father went to the jail and his hyungs raised him. Until he was old enough but he didn't move out. Jungkook had depression but his Hyung helped him and he forgot about his family, but why he dreamed of the accident? He thought it stopped many years ago. Jungkook sighed and took his phone out.

After some minutes Haeri came after she  finished her homework and sat next to jungkook. "ahjussi, can we go out to play?" she asked. Jungkook looked at her. He nodded as she jumped with excitement. Jungkook smiled and took her to a play ground nearby.


Jungkook was sitting on the bench watching the little girl playing happily. He felt his phone vibration so he answered it. "what Hyung?" it was his Hyung, SeokJin.

"can you be a little grateful and respectful for your Hyung at least once?!" he complained, Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, "get to the Point Jin Hyung I am not patient  and if is not important just hung up the phone!" Jungkook flamed up, SeokJin sighed and talked. "they sent us another letter, I think you should visit him Jungkook!"  Jungkook again rolled his eyes.

"no Hyung, I will never do that so please don't call me until it's important" he said and hung up the phone, Jungkook was just a little busy with the phone and the little kid took the chance to climb the tree again, what a monkey! How did she climb this!? Jungkook thought and ran to the tree. He found her trying to get a squirrel as she holded it. She got bake down and smiled. Jungkook was shocked at her as she tilted her head.

"what ahjussi? Was it your first time see a squirrel?" she said but Jungkook shooed his head. The squirrel seemed like he did like the arms around him and slept. Jungkook blinked at the unbelievable kid. "why do you always climb trees?! It no the first time!" he said as she shrugged. "well, I like climbing the trees it's fun!" she said and ran with the squirrel, Jungkook scoffed fun my foot! How that could be fun she can fall! He walked to her and his hands was on his waist.

"young lady don't do that again what if you falled?!" Jungkook scolded. She just gave Jungkook' I don't care' look" well of course I will go to the hospital again, but I will be okay after and saved another squirrel from a dog!" she ran everywhere with the squirrel playing. Jungkook just sighed and sat down on the bench.

"your daughter it cute" a girl came and sat next to him, Jungkook looked at her, she looked cute but a weird vibe from her. "she is not my daughter, I am her babysitter." Jungkook said. She nodded and said 'oh' then looked straight but not always straight, she took some glances at Jungkook as he noticed her doing that, he felt uncomfortable and stood up to leave since they stayed for too long.


After a crying session of Haeri begging Jungkook to take the squirrel home they leave it there and she just glare at Jungkook everytime he talks.

"go to have a shower and I will tuck you to bed." Jungkook said as she angrily nodded. Her pouted was cute though. Jungkook looked at the clock. His night shift was still for some more hours. Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes then massaged his temples.

After about 20 minutes Haeri came with the pajamas and gave a book to jungkook, he looked at the book title and it was the bunny and the wolf. He looked at her "do you want me to read this to you?" she nodded. He is not  good reader for kids though.he doesn't even like books that is why.

"okay let's go." he said and took the little girl to her room


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