Chapter 5

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Jungkook put the little girl in the bed, he covered her with the blanket and opened the book, "don't expect too much I am not good at this" he warned and she nodded. Jungkook coughed to clear his throat and started.

"once there was a little cute bunny, who like to eat the delicious carrots and lattice, the little bunny once met a scary wolf while playing in the forest, so he asked the wolf so innocently, 'why do you have a big tooth?' the wolf replied with 'so I can eat the hard things like you' the bunny giggled because he thought that the big wolf praised him but the wolf meant that he will eat the bunny. 'really? So what do you eat?' the bunny asked, the wolf evilly smiled 'I like small and fluffy things' the bunny thights that the small and fluffy things what the mouses. So he looled around. 'but there is no mouse though. What elso do you like to eat?' he asked, the wolf was angry at the bunny because he was dumb. So he said 'I want to eat YOU!' "Jungkook deepened his voice as the wolf's voice and made is so sharp and small for the bunny. Haeri giggled at the bunny because he was dumb.

"the bunny was shocked. But he had a plan to keep himself out. 'what about if I everyday got you food so you don't eat me? I know many food so delicious that my!' the wolf couldn't help but agree, the bunny left to get the food but the wolf asked himself 'how can a little fluffy bunny get meat by himself?!' he said."haeri's eyes was a little tired but still focused on the story.

" and then everyday the bunny would get the wolf carrots and lattice, of course the wolf didn't like it but when he said that he didn't want to the bunny cried, he didn't like the bunny cry so he ate and carrots and the lattice, the bunny got happy and got the wolf carrots and lattice everyday, the wolf couldn't kill the bunny because he was too cute and his smile was somehow make all the animals in the forest happy. The bunny whould always bring the happiness so the wolf whould feel bad if he killed him, so the bunny and the wolf had a happy ending, they were the best friends, the end" Jungkook closed the book and found the little girl sleeping, he kissed her forehead and left the room, Jungkook was surprised when Jimin was standing there crossing his arms.

"when did you came?" Jungkook looked at the clock and found that Jimin was supposed to be home for some minutes now. Jimin smiled, "do you want a drink? I haven't in a long time" Jimin said, Jungkook nodded and went to the convenience store to get some beer cans. They sat on the branch in the park. Jimin took a can, he opened it and drank.

"jungkool-ssi, have you ever survived with a broken heart?" Jimin asked, Jungkook looked at him and drank from his can. "I did" he said. Jimin nodded. Jimin was about to talk but he was interrupted. "I know you want to know my story" Jungkook said. Jimin's eyes widen open, he knew.

"well, it is too boring but I will say it anyway, you are the first one I tell my story to. Once a tall, handsome, wealthy and smart guy met a poor girl that she needed money to live, she was an orphan and she was kicked out from the orphanage since she was 18. She was homeless and hopeless. But that guy didn't stay quit and took her to his house, he gave her everything and made her live like a a queen, they had feelings for each other so they dated, and got married. But then a bad fox came to the guy and kept on talking bad on his wife, that she was cheating, she never loved him and she was using him for money, at first the guy didn't believe but suddenly a hate grew up in his relationship with his wife. She treated her very bad and"Jungkook paused. He gulped and continued.

"they got a child, they child was treated so good that he didn't know about the hate between his parent, they kept it as a secret from. Him, but after some years, that when the boy what 7. His mother died and his father was arrested then he went in the jail, the boy was left alone but a another older boy came to him and took care of him at his parents house. So the boy managed to love with his broken heart like the people but the hidden broken heart may break more, so he is protecting it so hard, you know, the boy is me"jungkook said, Jimin felt the sad vibes from Jungkook so smiled to cheer him up. "well, mine is simple but the worst and it is also short, but the fact that I am still broken is true" Jimin said as his smiled faded.

"there was a shy boy who dated a beast, they loved each other but the beast gave him his child and ran away, so the boy had to take care of himself with no help, no parents, no friends, nobody. He whould always cry regreting meeting the beast. But he will get nothing from it. I had to take care of Haeri, we did have the enough money so I whould work hard to get some money to eat. And get a house and live happily, it's all hard, but I have to work hard, because there is No one to support me"jimin cried, his aching heart still aches like everyday. Jungkook hugged Jimin and patted his back.

"well, I can help you now." Jungkook said, Jimin let go of the hug and stared at Jungkook. "somehow I like to take care of Haeri she is a troublemaker but also cute and talented kid, I like to babysit her. And if you have any problem of money ask me. I will help you for sure" Jungkook said and took a sip from his can.

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