Chapter 20

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No rest, no peace. But the pain and the fear.

"I will go alone, it's okay." Jimin said and took his bag. Haeri was sick from playing in the rain and Jimin had to go and get some medicine. Jungkook insisted to go but Jimin wanted to go. Jimin smiled bafore leveling and went out of the door.

Jimin walked in the street. He entered the pharmacy and bought some medicine. He went back to the apartment. But a familiar blue cat he saw. He looked at the car. The number. He knew it. It was eoo hyuk's car. he had much memories in that car. Jimin ran back to the apartment and opened the door. His eyes widen open as he saw the blood on the floor. He followed the stains and found Jungkook laying on the floor. And the blood was flowing from his leg. Jimin was more shocked when he found jungkook's neck. It has a thin purple line on his neck. Like someone tried to kill h by suffocating by the thin rope. The rope was there. Jimin put his hand on his mouth and looked at Haeri's room

Like he was running from haeri's room. Jimin ran to haeri's room and didn't found her there. He was shocked. He knew it. Woo Hyuk attacked Jungkook and took Haeri away. Jimin took his phone and called the ambulance then the police. He was collapsing on the floor and he was crying. The ambulance came and took Jimin, then the police took Jimin to the police station, in the investigation room. "can you please tell us what did happen?" the detective asked. Jimin was shivering and looking with fear to the detective. "I saw a familiar car passing when I was buying some medicine."

"I thought it was my ex's car and ran to my apartment to check on the others. I-I found Jungkook l-laying there  and the rope a-around his neck. And there was a g-gun shot in his leg. But I didn't find my daughter" Jimin was about to cry. The detective started to write on his note and started questioning again.

"can you describe the car, or do you know it's number?" the detective asked. Jimin nodded and talked "it was a blue car. I saw part of it's number. 1558? I don't remember the other. Because I ran there."

"what about your daughter?" the another cop asked. Jimin paused for some seconds. "she will be f-four tomorrow. Her name is park Haeri. She was sick so I went to buy her medicine." he said. The cop nodded and thanked Jimin for the information then left. Jimin went out of the police station straight to the hospital, were Jungkook is. He was worried is he is in a bad condition after what he saw.


"he is okay, the rope was used in making him fained. By trying to suffocate him, but his neck need to stay straight for two to three days. And the gun shit was healed. He have to stay at the hospital for three weeks." the doctor explained. Jimin nodded and help his heart ache. Another pain was there. He walked slowly to jungkook's room and opened the door. Seeing the rounded cast and the cast around his leg was hurting him. Jimin sat down and took jungkook's hand.

"it my fault Jungkook, I should have reported him to the police earlier. I am sorry" Jimin cried. He tighten the grip on jungkook's hand and looked down. His phone vibrated and took it. "what is it Hyung?" it was namjoon. Jimin didn't let go jungkook's hand. His right was was holding jungkook's and the other was holding the phone to call namjoon.

"what did happen? What do you mean Haeri was kiddnapped?! What did Jungkook do?!!" he was angry. Jimin sighed an d looked at Jungkook's hand he was holding. "I am with him in the hospital. The kidnapper or I should say woo Hyuk did try to suffocate Jungkook, but he did escape so he did give him a gun shot in his leg, Jungkook still have need unconscious" Jimin's voice cracked. He heard NamJoon's sigh.

"should I ask for father's help?" Jimin's eyes widen open. "No! I don't need his help" he said. Jimin tighten his grip on the phone by his anger. He was having his hard time. Jimin closed his eyes and stayed silence. "okay, but if we didn't find Haeri after 24 hours I am going to ask for his help" namjoon said. Jimin sighed "okay, bye" he hung up the phone. Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"why nothing happy is happening to us? I mean all of this happened. When Haeri got the allergy reaction. And when you lock yourself down. And now Haeri is being kidnapped." Jimin talked. He thought of an idea to get Haeri back. But it has a high risk. He doesn't know if he will do it or not.


The little girl opened her eyes in a pink. And well designed room, she didn't like it. She liked the black and sporty things. She got of the unfamiliar bed and walked to the door confused. When she got here?! Before she open the door a lady. A middle aged lady, entered the room with a tray of food. Haeri was confused. "oh! You woke up young lady? Sit and have you food. You have been sleeping for a half a day, your fever went down" the lady put the tray on the desk and took Haeri on the same unfamiliar bed agai. And she got the tray and started to feed her. Haeri didn't complain and stared to eat. "um, where am I?" Haeri looked at the dress she was wearing. It was uncomfortable for her. And it was pink. Like she was a spoiled brat or something.

"ah, master told us that he will get his daughter here today, so we made a beautiful room. And of course got you the most beautiful clothes. Also the master told us that you will stay here all the time, no going out" she said. Haeri's eyes widen open and refused the spoon the lady gave to her. Haeri glared at the lady "who got me here?!" she said. Haeri knew that her father will be worried about her. And Jungkook too.

"master Park Kang soo. Your grandfather" she smiled.

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