Chapter 12

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A side story?

(so yeah, this story is like a special chapter for only Namjin, I did want to write a one. Enjoy it!)

"but there is a chief cook." SeokJin tried weakly to defend himself. But the guy's flirt was too strong for him that make SeokJin's cheek have a shade on pink. The guy chuckled again "I whould like you cook, honestly I whould Like it everyday." SeokJin's eyes widen open. What did he just say?! Is it a confession?

"w-what?!" SeokJin shouted. The guy slowly walked to SeokJin. His hands were in his pocket. The tall figure arrived in front of SeokJin. SeokJin tried to make a brave look on his face. But he was failing.

"Kim, Nam, Joon" he said every word separately. SeokJin gulped,the gap was getting smaller and smaller. "honestly, I need a person who whould wake up next to me everyday. Someone who will cheer me up and someone who will take care of my family. I watched you everyday SeokJin-ssi. I need to travel after three weeks. So whould you come with me?" namjoon said. Is it a propose?! From someone SeokJin barley knew?

" I know that we don't know anything about each other. But. What about 5 dates? To know more about each other? "SeokJin was standing there with no answer. A guy suddenly came to him, he proposed and asked for 5 dates. He was actually speechless. SeokJin blinked.

"why? Why are you choosing me? I am not a higher up person" usually the higher up Marry another higher up. The people who have the wealth and the money, they owned everything, companies, malls and restaurants. Jin got his own restaurant and it wasn't successful. But after some years it became successful and he have his good amount of money that he needed for his dongseangs. Like Jungkook, yoongi, hoseok and Taehyung. They all had what they wanted and they were happy by it. But he wasn't approved by the higher ups. They need his trust first but they still don't trust him, he didn't want their trust anyway.But hisconnections are weak. Only the higher ups who have the most powerful connections in the country.

"I don't care, I came here for another something but I planned of having a marriage then go to Japan again after I saw you. My heart was so excited for you." namjoon said with his sexy voice that made SeokJin's face gets more red until he became a tomato. After NamJoon's speeck SeoJin thinker wisely. He will go in the 5 dates with namjoon and decide to date or not.

"okay, I will go with you in the dates, but I will decide to marry you after that." SeokJin said. Namjoon smirked and walked back to his table. He sat down. SeokJin followed him slowly. "you know what? Tell the chief cook to make out lunch, you are sitting here tig me." SeokJin looked at the chief cook and gave him a sign to make the day's special. SeokJin sat down to the opposite of namjoon adn rested his elbows on the table.

"is this the first date?" SeokJin asked. He was right. In a fancy restaurant, the romance vibe was there especially the typical violin sound in the restaurant. The lights wasn't that shine but a little dark to give the candles the chance to light the tables romantically. Namjoon looked at the bottle of wine the waiter gave him, he ordered his favorite. Namjoon took the bottle and put some in SeokJin's cup. SeokJin smiled and drank from his cup, namjoon drank too and answered.

"yes,you still need to know me, but here is a fact, I am a very romantic man. Wealthy, handsome, have a good place in a famous company. And, everything you need in the bed" he winked. Thet guy really knows how to get SeokJin off guard. His flirt whould make SeokJin blush as a tomato and get much shy. Namjoon smirked as he succeeded.

"you must be a Mr.perfect right? I like it" SeoJin said. Namjoon nodded and took a sip from his cup. "what about you, what I'd your personality?" he asked. SeokJin sighed and looked down for some seconds.

"I wasn't like you namjoon-sis, I am not that romantic kind of men. I haven't date because I was so busy growing my restaurant and taking care of my family. Well they aren't actually my family but they all need me. Well they don't anymore. They succeed and became so busy. Two in a company, one overseas. And the one who is having his  love story on his own not sharing too much info. Money doesn't grow on the trees, I have to get it on my own, so I started to work in small restaurants."he said, namjoon was focused in SeokJin's interesting story.

"and then bigger ones. Until I opened my own restaurant. It was small but after many years it grew and I got money from it. That is how I send my dongseangs to colleges. Helped them in building a company, and I did help someone who really needed me" namjoon became curious about that. He tilted his head but not in innocent way. It was sexy, like every part of him says. "who did you help?"

"a single father. Jimin had bad financial state so I did help him. I was like a kedari ahjussi." he said. NamJoon's eyes widen open. He did help his younger brother? How come he didn't know about his brother financial state?! He said that he had a good job and didn't suffer." it was a lie"namjoon muttered. But SeokJin heard him. SeokJin's questioning face was obvious to namjoon." what is wrong? Namjoon-ssi?"he asked.

"Jimin. Park Jimin. Aish he is my younger brother." SeoJin was shocked. He remembered when Jimin said that his family abandoned him when he was pregnant of Haeri. "do you did ignored you little brother's suffering and stayed happy with your money huh?" SeokJin's anger grew more and more. He stood up from his chair.

"I didn't know that you are that selfish." he said and left. Namjoon was dumbfounded not having the chance to explain. That he didn't know. Jimin lied and said he had a good life. He need to talk about it with Jimin.

"shit, why my luck is that bad?!" namjoon talked to himself looked at the direction we're SeokJin ran to. Should he follow him? Or not.

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