Chapter Eight - A Lion In Sheep's Clothing

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It was only mere hours after the Roman ambush. That ambush had cost the life of dozens of their fellow Rebels as well as Kirishima. In the span of a few days, Midoriya and the rest of the Gladiators of Ludus 1-A had lost two brothers in Todoroki and Kirishima. Inside the main tent, Midoriya met with his most trusted allies. Bakugo was deeply enraged. 

Bakugo: FUCKING COWARDS! I'll fucking massacre them for what they did! I'll fucking kill them all! 

Midoriya: What happened to Kirishima greatly saddens us all. But we have a deeper concern at hand. The Romans knew we were coming. 

Bakugo: The hell do you mean?!

Tokoyami: There is no way the Romans knew we were coming. This wasn't just some chance encounter. The Romans knew exactly where we would be. 

Midoriya: It was exactly like the raid on the Yaoyorozu Villa. The guards patrolling the Villa weren't dismissed. They were moved into the secret tunnels. 

As Midoriya and Tokoyami pointed these out, it became clear to the others that something about all this was wrong. 

Jiro: What exactly are you two saying?

Midoriya: There may be a spy in our midst. 

When Midoriya said that, everyone in the room began looking at each other. A sense of uneasiness filled the tent. Midoriya himself couldn't fathom the thought of one of his own people being a spy for the Romans. Bakugo then set his eyes on Iida. 

Bakugo: It was you, wasn't it?!

Iida: What are you talking about?

Bakugo: The Romans arranged your little breakout! It was only when you joined our ranks did the Romans start killing our brothers and sisters! Fucking admit it!

Bakugo was then ready to attack Iida, but Midoriya stopped him. 

Midoriya: Bakugo! Calm yourself!

Bakugo: He's the fucking traitor! I know it and he fucking knows it! 

Iida: I am no traitor! The Romans butchered my family and dishonored my name! Why would I serve the Romans after all that?!

Bakugo: I'm sure they'd offer you all the coin you could ask for! And for all we know, that little stories of yours could be absolute bullshit!

The tension between Bakugo and Iida was beginning to heat up. Bakugo was on the verge of attacking him when Kaminari stepped in. 

Kaminari: Fighting about it isn't going to help! We lost one brother already. We need to regroup and keep our heads low for a while. 

Bakugo: Easy for you to say! You're not the one risking your life to fight for the cause! Instead of fighting the Romans like a man, you hide between the legs of the Brit! 

Jiro became enraged at Bakugo's words and prepared to attack him when Tokoyami restrained her. 


Chaos soon erupted into the tent. Tensions were high and were about to explode. Midoriya soon tried to regain some semblance of control. 

Midoriya: ENOUGH!

With a loud booming voice, order had been restored. The chaos had subsided as everyone fell silent. 

Midoriya: We cannot break apart now. This is what the Romans want. This is what Shigaraki wants. They want us to be divided so that they may destroy us. We cannot allow that. We must remain united. Kaminari is right. We must rest. Perhaps time will show us what we need to know. 

With that, the Rebel leaders left the tent, not completely trusting one another. Bakugo was deeply suspicious about Iida while some were suspicious about Bakugo. Late in the night, Midoriya lay awake in his makeshift bed next to Ochaco. The losses of Todoroki and Kirishima as well as the realization of a traitor within the camp weighed heavily on his mind. He got up from his bed and made his way to the roof to reflect on his thoughts. As he gazed upon the stars, Ochaco made her way to the roof. 

Ochaco: Izuku? What bothers you?

Midoriya: It''s nothing, my love. I didn't mean to wake you. 

Ochaco could tell that something was bothering Midoriya. She could see that his mind was heavy as she sat next to her love. 

Ochaco: Let us not keep secrets from one another. Tell me what troubles you. 

In that moment, Midoriya couldn't keep his thoughts from his beloved. 

Midoriya: Everything is falling apart. Since the deaths of Todoroki and Kirishima, I feel my lacking ability to lead is becoming more and more apparent. I do not know if I can lead these people. 

Ochaco was stunned at this. She could see the clear look of self doubt on his face. Despite this, she truly believed in his ability to lead. 

Ochaco: Don't say that! You lead us to freedom! If it weren't for you, we'd all be dead or made into slaves!

Midoriya: Look at where we are. The Romans hunt for us like dogs. They know our moves before we make them. 

Ochaco: Listen to me, my love. You are doing the best you can! Every man and woman here followed you or their free will. You did not force them to follow you. They follow you because they believe in you. They believe that you can lead them to a better life. They need you Izuku Midoriya. Don't fail them now. 

With the encouraging words from his love, Midoriya felt his spirit rise. The two lovers then kissed one another as Midoriya's belief in himself was restored. 

Midoriya: Thank you, my love. 

In that moment, Midoriya felt a new sense of duty within himself. Despite the losses suffered, Midoriya would persevere for his men. He would fight on without giving up. Though he knew that a lion in sheep's clothing was in his camp, he would not let that deter him in the slightest. He would continue the fight against the Romans with unrelenting determination. He would fight and gladly give his life to see his brothers and sisters live as free people rather than slaves under the boot of the Roman Empire. 

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