Chapter Ten - A Light Of Hope

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As Midoriya abandoned Kaminari for his betrayal, he led his forces to a new camp. As they set up camp, Midoriya's mind was still turbulent about Kaminari. Kaminari was one of his oldest friends who had helped him survive the first few days at the Ludus 1-A. With Kaminari's betrayal, Midoriya was deeply disheartened. As the Rebels set up camp, Bakugo approached him. 

Bakugo: Why the fuck did we leave that traitor alive?! We should've fucking killed him!

Midoriya: Enough. 

Bakugo: That coward was a fucking traitor! He betrayed us all to the fucking Romans! 

Midoriya: Enough. 

Bakugo: That coward didn't deserve mercy! He.....

Midoriya: ENOUGH!

That outburst silenced Bakugo as well as echo through the camp. Bakugo was slightly caught off guard by the way Midoriya lashed out. After a moment, Midoriya calmed down. 

Midoriya: The matter with Denki Kaminari has been settled. I will not speak more with this. Am I understood?

Bakugo said nothing as he walked away. I was clear that the two friends deeply disagreed about the matter of Kaminari's fate. Meanwhile, the heavily pregnant Yaoyorozu was set into a semi comfortable tent. She began to feel lightheaded as Tsuyu was tending to her. 

Tsuyu: Are you okay, my lady?

Yaoyorozu was silent. She could feel the baby inside her kick in her belly as her thoughts drifted to the fallen Todoroki. Suddenly, she looked between her legs and saw water dripping. She felt her heart drop and she began breathing heavily. 

Yaoyorozu: Tsu....the baby's coming.....

Immediately, Yaoyorozu began to feel terrible cramps. Tsuyu rushed to Yaoyorozu and tried to comfort her. Soon enough. Ochaco and a few others entered the tent to help Yaoyorozu deliver the baby. Yaoyorozu wailed as the pain began to take hold. In her pain, she looked to the sky and could see Todoroki watching over her. 

Yaoyorozu: Shoto......

Ochaco: Breath, my lady. Breath. 

Yaoyorozu began breathing slowly as she began to push. The pain immediately came back as she began to scream. Tsuyu and Ochaco kept their focus on delivering the baby while tending to Yaoyorozu. 

Ochaco: Keep pushing, my lady! The baby's almost here! I....I can see the head!

Yaoyorozu began to breath slowly as she made the final push. A baby's cry was heard as Ochaco held Yaoyorozu's newborn baby in her arms. 

Ochaco: It's a boy, my lady!

Emotions flooded the room. Ochaco brought the baby to the tired and strained Yaoyorozu. As Yaoyorozu looked at the baby boy, she looked into his eyes. His right eye was black while the left eye was turquoise. Tears fell down Yaoyorozu's face as she hugged the baby. 

Yaoyorozu: He's.....he's beautiful.....

Yaoyorozu began to weep, knowing that Todoroki didn't live to see the birth of their son. Midoria shed a tear, knowing the pain she was feeling. As Yaoyorozu cradled the baby, a name for the child came to her mind. 

Yaoyorozu: Shoto....

She named the child after her lost lover. On that day, Shoto, son of Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu was born. In that moment shined a glimmer of hope. To Midoriya, the birth of Todoroki and Yaoyorozu's child showed exactly what he was fighting for. At this point, Midoriya felt a renewed passion for the fight against the Romans. In that moment, Midoriya vowed to fight Shigaraki and free his brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, news of Kaminari's suicide reached Emperor Shigaraki. His plan to destroy Midoriya and the rebels from within failed. Soon enough, Mirio entered the throne room. 

Shigaraki: Brother. What a pleasant surprise. 

Mirio: One of my scouts have located a camp south of the Tiber River. The Rebels are camped there. 

Upon hearing this, a smile fell on Shigaraki's face. He had spent months searching for Midoriya and the Rebels to no avail. Toh ear this deeply pleased the Emperor. 

Shigaraki: Is that so? Assemble the 13th Legion. We march for their camp immediately.

Mirio: What are you planning, brother?

Shigaraki: These Rebels mock Rome with their existence. They plotted with that whore Yaoyorozu and murdered our father. They killed many of our soldiers. Now's the time we wipe them out once and for all. 

Mirio was hesitant about all this. Ever since his father's death, something about Shigaraki didn't seem right. Ever since Shigaraki became Emperor of Rome, it seemed that the Roman Empire had turned upside down. 

Mirio: I understand your....need to avenge our father, but surely wasting resources on escaped slaves is not worth the effort. 

Shigaraki ignored Mirio's words as he didn't know the truth of what truly happened. To Shigaraki, Midoriya and the Rebels represented a threat to his power. They knew the truth behind his plot to kill Emperor Yagi. Allowing the Rebels to live meant risking his own grip on power. That was unacceptable. Shigaraki decided to spin a web of lies to Mirio to ensure his loyalty. 

Shigaraki: Allowing these murderers to roam free shows weakness. What would have happened to Rome if Mark Antony and Augustus allowed Caesar's murderers to live? Rome demanded justice against Brutus and his band of traitorous Senators who murdered Caesar. Rome demands justice against the Thracian and his band of unruly slaves! I will have every man beheaded in honor of my father! The women and the children shall be sold as slaves! I will have the Thracian paraded through the streets and crucified for his crimes! Rome itself calls for the death of these traitors. I shall honor that oath!

Shigaraki's words shook Mirio to the core. The words he spoke was nothing like Emperor Yagi. He wouldn't cry for war and bloodshed. Mirio's instincts told him something was wrong. Despite this, he deeply cared for his brother. 

Mirio: Very well brother. 

Shigaraki: I will lead the attack. It will be good for the men to see their Emperor fighting by their side. 

Mirio nodded as he prepared the 13th Legion to attack the Rebel camp. To Shigaraki, this was his chance to destroy the Rebels for good. To Shigaraki, this battle would be his finest hour. As Shigaraki and Mirio led the full might of the 13th Legion to Midoriya's camp, an epic clash would follow.

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