Chapter Twelve - A New Beginning

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Shock and horror flooded Mirio's mind as he walked the battlefield. He could hear the moans of his dying comrades. What made it worse were the words Shigaraki spoke. He walked the battlefield and came across the dying Midoriya.

Mirio: Izuku Midoriya.....the Thracian.....

Midoriya said nothing as he clutched his wounds. Mirio could tell that Midoriya was dying.

Mirio: Did Shigaraki speak the truth?

Midoriya: people. Spare not...hunt what you wish with me, but do not hunt down my people.

To his final breath, Midoriya cared for his people. It was at this point did Mirio gained respect for Midoriya. He saw himself in the dying Rebel leader.

Mirio: No harm shall befall on your people. have my word.

Midoriya: T...thank you.....(Ochaco......)

Midoriya closed his eyes and died with a smile on his face. He had fulfilled his lifelong purpose of protecting his people. Mirio then walked the battlefield in search of Shigaraki. He grabbed a sword as tears fell down his face. Soon enough, he came across a wounded Shigaraki.

Shigaraki:'ve...I've been me.

Mirio said nothing as he approached his dying brother.

Mirio: Is it true? Did you murder our father?

Shigaraki: The Thracian....speaks lies....

Mirio: Answer me! My men died for your madness! You owe me an answer! Did you murder our father?!

Shigaraki remained silent. That silence was all Mirio needed. He tightly gripped his sword as he walked towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: me! I....I command you! I am your.... Emperor.....

Before Shigaraki could finish, Mirio stabbed Shigaraki in the chest. Mirio remained silent as Shigaraki took his final breath. As Shigaraki died, Mirio was at a loss of words. He had killed his brother and Emperor. In that moment, Mirio became Emperor of Rome. Days have passed since the battle. Tokoyami and Jiro had managed to lead the women and children to the mountains as Midoriya instructed. One day, a Roman caravan made it's way to the enclave. A Roman Emissary approached Tokoyami and Jiro.

Tokoyami: What is your business, Roman?

Roman Emissary: I bring a message from Emperor Mirio Togata. By order of the Emperor, all remaining followers of the Thracian rebel known as Izuku Midoriya are hereby pardoned of all crimes against the Empire of Rome.

Upon hearing this, Tokoyami and Jiro were skeptical about this. They were wary of any Roman tricks.

Jiro: What's the catch? How do we know Togata won't hunt us down?

Roman Emissary: In exchange for clemency, you are all to never set foot on Roman territory. Honor these terms and no harm shall befall on your people.

The arrival of the Roman caravan had made everyone in the enclave tense. Many feared that this was an invasion intent on wiping them out.

Roman Emissary: As a token of goodwill, the Emperor has donated supplies to your enclave. Along with that, the bodies of your fallen have been delivered so that you may give them a proper funeral.

Tokoyami turned to a few guards and nodded at them. They then approached the caravan and began gathering the supplies as well as the bodies of the fallen. Among the bodies were Midoriya, Bakugo and Iida. Seeing their bodies brought sadness to Tokoyami and Jiro as they had fought alongside these men.

Tokoyami: Extend our thanks to the Emperor. Inform him that his terms shall be honored.

Roman Emissary: We shall deliver the message. I'm sure the Emperor will be pleased of this.

After gathering all the supplies and bodies, the Roman prepared to leave. As they did, the emissary offered some final words.

Roman Emissary: I remember watching you at the arena. Watching the Dark Shadow of Egypt fight was always a thrill. It is a shame it ended like this.

Tokoyami reflected on his time as a Gladiator of the Ludus 1-A. While it was a time of glory, it was a time of sorrow. He looked to the emissary. 

Tokoyami: Perhaps it was better that it ended this way. 

The Roman Caravan soon departed from the enclave. Never again would the Romans bother them. After that, a huge pyre was built at the center of the enclave. The bodies of all the Rebels were placed within the pyre for the funeral. Izuku Midoriya was placed at center of the pyre. Ochaco walked to the body and kissed her fallen lover's lips. This would be the final kiss that they would share.

Ochaco: Rest, my love. 

Ochaco soon joined the crowd to mourn their fallen brothers as well as their hero. Two torches were prepared. One was given to Jiro while the other was given to Tokoyami. Tokoyami then turned to the crowd. 

Tokoyami: If they ever tell our story, let them say we walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, their names shall never die. Let them say we lived in the time of Shota Aizawa, the Trainer of Warriors.  Let them say we lived in the time of Mezo Shoji, the Beast of Carthage. Let them say we lived in the time of Eijiro Kirishima, the Unbreakable Celt. Let them say we lived in the time of Shoto Todoroki, the Cold Flame of Gaul. Let them say we lived in the time of Tenya Iida, the Fallen One. Let them say we lived in the time of Katsuki Bakugo, the Rage of Sparta. Let them say we lived in the time of Izuku Midoriya. 

A moment of silence was shared by the entire enclave. Tokoyami took one final look at the bodies of his fallen comrades. 

Tokoyami: Find peace, my brothers. 

Tokoyami and Jiro then ignited the funeral pyre. The crowd remained silent as Midoriya's bodies as well as the bodies of the fallen comrades were consumed in flames. The sacrifices Midoriya and the others made would not be in vain. They had ensured the safety of their people as well the peace they fought so hard for. The war was over and peace was now upon them. 

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