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Meeting Jack was the happiest thing that had ever happened to her, thanks to Asher. Asher and Bianca were friends when he moved to Australia but he left suddenly and Bianca was alone again.

The following year she met Tate, Dianna, Charlotte and Amy. Those four girls are so similar to each other sometimes Bianca feels upset because she doesn't fit with them. She had a lot of problems within herself growing up that she refused to tell anyone. Then Tate left and got sucked up into the world of Hollywood.

Bianca's life started falling downhill when Jack chose his contract over her. Her parents were fighting, her brother was getting sick and her sister just stayed with their cousin Paige a lot.

Bianca's happiness was reduced as time went on but Asher came and her spirits skyrocketed. Her parents eventually got a divorce and her brother went with there dad, leaving the sisters to stay together.

Dianna even moved schools, met some new people and now their friend group was almost broken. Charlotte was busy doing things with other people, Amy got a boyfriend and suddenly her attention was all on him, and Bianca has just been left alone again.

She didn't mind, after all she still had Jeremy, Chosen, Asher and her siblings but strangely it didn't feel like enough. Jack made her feel like it was enough, however Bianca refuses discussion with him.

'Would you chose me or your contract?'

'You of course'

What a lie.


Bianca is someone who constantly needs someone tell her that she's doing a good job. Bianca's been always been second best and she hates it, when she was alone she didn't have to worry about anyone else but herself. When she met those four girls Bianca felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, but now it's slowly being put back on after the downfall spiral that's going on.

Should she talk to someone about it? Yeah she should but Bianca's dealt with her own problems as emotions by herself for a long period of time. Besides even she were to tell someone, she knows that they would just lecture her and that isn't what she wants.

Bianca's terrified because she doesn't know how much more can she take before this weight pressure completely breaks her again.

Author's Note
Yes I can tell this is a little confusing and I apologise for not saying saying something earlier I just didn't know how to explain it but I hoped this helped💕

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