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Just a month ago someone she loved deeply was tested positive for the virus. She was scared of course because they were all the way in South Australia while she still lived in Queensland.

Bianca was doing school work when the unfortunate news hit, she was now sitting in her bed with her sister wrapped up beside her. Her mother was probably hit the hardest as she cried herself to sleep that night, they thought it wouldn't happen. They were healthy and bright but something went wrong and it got worse, an unknown heart disease had gone unnoticed for the longest time.

Her rock was gone, she didn't know what to do. She trusted them with her entire heart, whenever she was upset, happy, angry or just filled of emotions this particular person would instantly make her feel better but they aren't around anymore. The way there smile just lights up the room and makes everything better with just there presence was enough to make Bianca go silent for a week.

Bradley Holden Caz had sadly passed due to the coronavirus and unnoticed heart disease.



Author's NoteI'm just torturing myself with this now

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Author's Note
I'm just torturing myself with this now.

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