Cats can't flirt...or can they?

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Marinette POV

"So I made this shirt for Adrien and-"

CRASH! I bumped into someone already! Why am I so clumsy?

"Marinette are you ok?"

I looked up to find Adrien looking down at me worried. I blushed furiously and took his hand.

"I'm sorry Marinette-I didn't look where I was going. Are you ok?"

"Yeah...I'm fine Adrien, it's ok!"

I looked into Adrien's deep emerald eyes and saw the true sincerity in them. I noticed him going a bit red in the cheeks, and I knew I certainly was.

"Ummm right, Adrien I should probably get going then..."

"RIGHT YES! Get to lessons of course! Ok see ya! Bye Mari!"

That was strange. Adrien normally was at ease when talking to me. What happened to him? I brushed of the thought.

(Marinette's balcony)

"So Tikki! Green or blue swirls on Adrien's shirt?"

"Green! Duh!" Replied Tikki.

"Why green Tikki?"

"Errr it matches ummm his eyes! Yes his eyes." Tikki responded, as if she was hiding something.

"You're right Tikki thanks a billion."

I looked for my green glitter thread until I had realised I left it up in my balcony. I rushed up to get it and as soon as I got there a pair of black claws landed on the balcony.

"Chat! What are you doing here?"

"Just thought of visiting purrincess." He replied smirking.

"Ok...well you can come inside. I'm making something for Adrien, so maybe you can help."

I led Chat into my bedroom with the green thread and walked towards the shirt. I took a needle, some thread and sequins and began to sew.

"Princess, this Adrien...he seems like an incredibly good friend of yours..."

"Of course! I mean he's more than a friend to me...but I don't know if he feels the same with me. Besides there is Kagami...I'm a girl way out of his reach Chat. I'm clumsy, I stutter and I can barely talk to him without messing up my words."

Chat looked at me as if I had just floated in mid air. Then his shock turned into a little smile.

"So how comes you don't do this with me princess?"

I giggled.

"Because I'm not in love with you kitty! I'm in love with Adrien."

Chat's eyes widened.

"Anyways princess, I'm going to look around if that's ok..."

"Sure kitty..."

Chat POV


Marinette is in love with ME? My heart pounded in my chest. I felt so... happy? She's beautiful, talented, brave and can bake! What more could I get? Kagami doesn't bake, or do fashion designing. Ladybug loves someone else. 

"I love Marinette..." I thought.

I walked up to Marinette and wrapped my hands around her waist. I kissed her cheek.

"Chat what are you-"

"Princess why can't I equal to Adrien?"

Marinette paused. She then turned to look at me. Her beautiful bluebell eyes stared into my soul, and I had the urge to kiss her. She cupped my face and said

"There is nothing wrong with you's just that I chose Adrien first. He won my heart before you kitty. Plus your terrible at flirting." She joked.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked.

I grabbed Marinette's waist and pinned her to the wall. She looked at me astonished. My lips were an inch away from hers. I saw the hint of fear in her eyes. Gently, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks went red and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Her arm breath tickled my skin, and we learned in, closer and closer until...

 Her arm breath tickled my skin, and we learned in, closer and closer until

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Until she pushed me off...

"Chat how could you?!" She shouted. "I just told you I loved Adrien and you decide to try and seduce me?! This is why I chose Adrien Chat!"

"But princess..."

"No buts chat, just...just GET OUT!"

I left her alone and cursed myself. I had completely lost myself while flirting. It wasn't like me to flirt uncontrollably. I had to fix up. I was going to win Marinette's heart as matter how long it took.

I was going to make Mari fall in love with me again.

Falling for him twice - Marichat SinWhere stories live. Discover now