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After a few days, I was officially a part of the Hollywood Arts family. I had passed 'The Bird Scene' on my second try and decorated my locker. I had met a few more people, but I decided to stick to the same people that Cat hung out with. It was just easier to get used to them rather than brand new people.

Cat, Jade and I were gathered around Jade's locker, waiting while she got her stuff for Sikowitz's class.

"Do either of you have plans for tomorrow night?" Cat suddenly asked.

I answered a question with a question, "Do I ever have plans?"

Cat laughed, "What about you, Jade?"

"Depends," she snapped.

"There's a new place a few minutes from the school called 'Karaoke Dokie.' I wanna go sing. Wanna come?" Cat explained.

"Sure!" I smiled.

Jade groaned, "As long as I can pick the song."

Cat nodded, "Yay! Now we have plans!"

I was a little confused as to why that was so exciting for her, but started walking to the BlackBox theater anyway. Sikowitz wanted us to meet in there for class today. We had pre-prepared dramatic scenes with a partner. Mine was with Robbie. Cat and Andre were the last group to act out their scene.

In the middle of their very scene, a phone started ringing. We all screamed and clung onto the closest thing to us. For me, that happened to be a giant tree prop. Perfect to kill whoever's phone that was that scared the chiz out of all of us.

Sikowitz began hitting his ear, "And the ringing is BACK!" I had to hold back my laughter.

Jade started talking, "Sikowitz. Hey, Sikowitz."

"Sikowitz!" Beck yelled.

"Yes?" Our lunatic teacher asked as if nothing had happened.

Robbie was also holding back a laugh, "That was a phone."

Sikowitz crossed his arms and made a weird voices, "Who's?"

"Mines," Tori slowly lifted her hand.


"I have a tree," I stated, confidently.

Cat was in shock, "How?"

"It's a prop," I laughed.


"I swear I thought I had it on vibrate," Tori tried to defend herself from Sikowitz and the giant tree prop I was still holding.

"Class is no place for swearing or vibrating," Sikowitz walked closer to the front of the classroom. I didn't need to hear that today. Or ever, actually.

Andre, in his accent from the scene, said, "Maybe we should start the scene over."

I pointed at Cat, "You can't start the scene over if the spider already bit her eye and she died."

"That's so true," Cat smiled.

"You'd be dying a spastic, painful death," Sikowitz continued for me, starting to clean up some of the props. I kind of wanted to keep the tree prop. I'd developed a good friendship with this inanimate object. It helped me threaten the girl who helped Daniel break my sister's heart for a while.

"Thanks a lot, Tori," Cat frowned.

The brunette sighed.

Our teacher stood up, "Well, we have about four minutes left. Why don't we all chat about our weekend plans. Robbie, I assume you have none."

The Normal Valentine :: Beck Oliver x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now