Chapter two: A bad first start?

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*I run as far as possible and then take a moment to catch my breath*

Ari: so, magical floating robot thing, what are you?

*the thing flies around and then starts to write something on the dirt*

Ari: A s-t-a-n-d? A stand?

*the "stand" then writes yes in the dirt*

Ari: why did you come?

Stand writes: too much

Ari: oh to much to write? Well I'm glad I have you anyway. Did you help me not hurt myself back there?

Stand writes: yes

Ari: oh wow! Thanks.
We should probably keep going.

*my stomach starts to growl*

Ari: how about we ear something first?

Stand writes: can't eat

Ari: oh, you will come with me though, right?

*the stand nods its head and then we start to walk to find a restaurant or a snack stop place*

Ari: how long have we been walking?😩

*the stand just keeps following me and we soon see a small sign*

Ari: oh look, err. I never caught your name.

*the stand starts to write on the dirt again and writes "midnight dust"*

Ari: oh, that's interesting.
Let's see what the sign says midnight dust.

*we look at the small sign standing in the middle of nowhere*

Ari: morioh, 4 miles ahead it says.
Still alot of walking.

*I start my journey off to morioh and wonder about miranda*

Ari's mind: she probably sent someone after me. Knowing her she wont let me go that easily. Plus she needs me to be at the bank with her to get my money. They wont let her have it unless I have mine first.

After a lot of walking
And conversation with
Midnight dust, we finally
arrive in morioh

Ari: omgoodness! There is a quick snack shop~ finallyyyyy!

*I run inside that place and start to buy almost everything*

Ari's mind: good thing I had been stealing from miranda since I was 13. Now I got loads of cash~

Cashier: is that all ma'am?😑

Ari: yep! Midnight dust! Look what I got!

Cashier: um...are you ok? Nobody else is in here but you.

Ari: what are you talking about? He is right here.

*midnight dust is there and he is looking through the food but the cashier cant see him*

Ari: um..have a nice day..

*I left but knew that the cashier was still looking at me strangely. I didn't care though*

Ari: let's go sit on that bench over there.

*we cross the road over to a little bench near a pond and I start to eat my snacks*

Ari: feels like I haven't eaten in years! This is good!

*midnight dust watches while I eat and then is gone for some reason*

Ari: hey where did you go?
Midnight dust?

*he then returns quickly and I sit stuffing my mouth with beef jerky*

Ari: there you are. Can you only come when I need you?

*the stand nods his head some more and then I can see the sunset forming from behind*

Ari: now that I'm full we should probably find a place to stay....hmm, hotel?

*the stand just looks at me and then I start walking around to find a place to stay*

Ari: hmm...oh look! That looks like it would be a nice place. Morioh apartments...let's go Midnight!

*I run to the office part of the apartment home place and talk to the

Ari: ...hello! My name is Ari and..I..need to rent an apartment house!

Landlady: dear child you do not have to yell.

Ari: oh..I'm sorry ma'am. I dont get out much..

Landlady: it's fine. So you would like a house?

Ari: yes please. Anything would be fine.

Landlady: considering that you are a high schooler moving out of the house, I have the cheapest one for ya.

Ari: really?! Thank you!

Landlady: no need to shout.

Ari: oh *whispers* thank you.

*the landlady then escorts me to the home I would stay at*

Ari: oh wow. It's small!

Landlady: is that a bad thing?

Ari: oh, no ma'am. I just have never been into a smaller home before.

(Just a reminder the home Ari lived in before was a mansion. She didn't go out of the house much after her father passed)

Landlady: here is the paperwork for you to fill out and then I will need the money in the morning.

Ari: oh ok ma'am. Thank you!

*the landlady starts to walk off back to her office and then I see the stars start to appear*

Ari: midnight! It's so cuteee~

*I unpack all of my belongings and notice that there isn't any furniture*

Ari: where am I supposed to sleep? I dont have anything t- brrr!

*I could feel the cold rush in and i gathered my things to make it seem like a blanket*

Ari: not how I thought living in a apartment home would be😅
It's so cold😢

*just as I said that it some how got warmer in the room*

Ari: midnight is that you doing this?

*I turn and see midnight dust swirling around the air and all of a sudden its warmer*

Ari: you're magical!

*I then look down at all the paperwork the landlady gave me and did it all*

Ari: tiring😩 how long am I going to be staying? I'll live here for a month. Yea and see how it is around here. Oh and I should apply to a school to keep up with my education!

*I put the paper work aside and lay down on the wooden floor*

Ari: maybe I'll make some new friends! And miranda will give up on me and just take her half of the money, but then again I should probably change my appearance. I'm so glad I have you midnight dust!

*just as all of those things came out of my head I decided to go to sleep*

Author~ hey readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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