Chapter sixteen: A date?! part 2

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*Josuke and I continue to eat the cake and then sit in silence*

Ari: Well you look really nice today...

Josuke: Oh really? look nice as well.

Ari: Ha! Don't lie. I am wearing one of my only 5 shirts 😂

Josuke: I'm just always look lovely..

Ari: T-thanks...

*We kind of stared at eachother for a while. Soon Josuke breaks the silence*

Josuke: If your ready we could walk to the park now?

Ari: Yea let's go.

*We pay for our food and then walk to the park*

Ari: So...

Josuke: Yea?

Ari: Heh...I dont know...

Josuke: Oh look at the sky.

Ari: Hm?

*I see that there is a single star up in the sky*

Ari: It looks so lonely🥺

Josuke: Ha more will come out soon.

*we continue to walk at see the park. We get there and see a little pond with a few fish*

Ari: it's so nice our here.

*I then look over to see Josuke looking a little cold*

Ari: Hey Midnight could you warm the air?

*Midnight dust warms the air and then I see Josuke looking better*


*I smile at him and then we sit on a bench*

Ari: I haven't been to a park in a long time. It's really nice.

Josuke: I agree. Hey?

Ari: Yea?

Josuke: Coukd you tell me about your father? I mean you don't have to...I just want to learn more about you.

Ari: its fine. My father like I said was in charge of the best scientific research program. He was a good man. He loved his family and his friends. I bet he would have loved you. He pretty much took Joseph like a nephew.

Josuke: mm..

Ari: Could I ask you a question?

Josuke: Go ahead.

Ari: I'm not trashing it or anything, but why do you style your hair like that?

Josuke: When I was young I had gotten really sick. My mom was trying to push through the blizzard to get to the hospital, while I was in the back fighting for my life. We got stuck in a hole and mom couldn't get out of it. That was until this guy came up behind us and told my mom to hit the gas. The man was pushing our car so we could go. That's when i looked back and saw his hair. We ended up going and left the guy. He had saved my life, so I will always love this style.

Ari: That was very honorable.

*Josuke blushes*

Josuke:...Time sure went by today...its already 6:25.

Ari: Yea... I'm hungry again.

Josuke: Are you kidding?! You just ate a steak, fries, and a cake!

Ari: What? That doesn't mean I'm not hungry still. I just want a little snack.

Josuke: Oh Ari😂 let's go then.

*We get up and see a little store nearby*

Ari: That might be a good place.

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