Chapter nine: Training

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Jotaro: Try making a force field of some type with your stand and the air.

Ari: ok.

*I try to make a force field with the air but for some reason its was really hard*

Ari: This isn't very easy.

Jotaro: Its ok. Try again.

*I try several times but it just makes me frustrated*

Ari: I dont know why I can't do it now, but it's making me frustrated!

Jotaro: You just have to keep practicing. You will get it.

Ari: But I have been trying already and it still is not happening!

*Jotaro just looks at me. I am just so frustrated that I can't think straight*

Jotaro's mind: Well anger isn't going to help her get that force field up...let's try some..fear.

Jotaro: Ari, you are aware that Miranda is probably looking for you?

Ari: Yea. But she won't find me.

Jotaro: She must have so many people coming to look for you. I know your family is very wealth. She will do anything and pay anyone to take your life.

Ari: ...Why are you telling me this?

Jotaro: You should already see it coming. You know that you won't be able to hide for a long time. You know she will find you, what you don't know is what she will do to you.

*Jotaro walks closer to me and I try and back up*

Ari: She won't find me!

Jotaro: Yare yare. You know that she will try to kill you when she gets the chance.


*Jotaro gets more close*

Jotaro: She will end your life with no hesitation, and then you won't be able to see your new friends anymore. It will also kill Midnight dust if your dead.

Ari: I...Stop...Get away! GET AWAY!

*I don't know what had gotten into me, but this sensation runs through my whole body and the air bends at my command along with Midnight*

Jotaro: ugh.

*I form a thick force field surrounding me, separating Jotaro from me*

Jotaro: There it is!

Ari: What?!

Jotaro: Finally got you to make a force field.

*I had realized what I did and all of my fear was gone*

Ari: i..I did it!

*Jotaro nods*

Jotaro: now that it has been brought out of you, you can try using it whenever.

*I do it again and all of a sudden I form another force field*

Ari: I can do it! Thank you Jotaro!

Jotaro: were not done yet. Now I'm going to teach you how to use your focus and strength, when using your stand.

Ari: ok!

*After struggling with those a bit I finally get the hang of it*

Jotaro: I'm going to set up this thing for you, it will help you learn your strength.

Ari: alright.

*Jotaro sets up this manichean thing up. He then says to shoot a bit of wind and knock off his hat*

Ari: Easy!

*I get ready and gather the air I need. I then powerfully blast it and knock off the head of the manichean by accident*

Jotaro: you're stand is using to much power when blasting the air. Try not so much.

*He sets the head back on the manichean and I get ready to try again*

*I gather air again, but this time I'm focusing on how much of my strength I'm going to use*

Josuke: Ari! Jotaro! Sorry I'm late!

*Josuke said those words and then I let go of the air. It went very fast and it actually knocked off the hat. Only the hat*

Josuke: Ari you did it!

Jotaro: I'm glad your here Josuke, but it's getting late. I don't want you two getting into trouble like last time.

Josuke: I guess we should go then.

Ari: Bye Jotaro...thanks for helping me!

*Jotaro nods and then he heads back to his apartment*

Ari: That was very intense training😪

Josuke: I bet. If it's with Jotaro, then you should know he doesn't mess around. Ari Speedwagon, be prepared for what else he will put you through😅

*we both laugh and then continue walking, but then I feel something weird again*

Josuke: Ari? Is something wrong?

Ari: I just feel like someone is here. I can feel the change in the air.

Josuke: Do you think it's the enemy?

Ari: I don't reall- Josuke get over here!

*I grab Josuke by the shirt and hold him close. I then see that tall scary guy holding a knife. He was tr5to kill me, and Josuke because he would be a witness*

Tall guy: I knew it was you. Now your gonna pay for lying.

*The guy runs up to me and Josuke but I form a thick force field like Jotaro taught me*

Tall guy: Huh!? Why can't I get through?!

Josuke: Hmm, guess he isn't one of us.

*Josuke smirks and then asks me to put down the force field*

Ari: What?! No!

Josuke: Trust me. I got this.

*I let down the force field, but I'm ready to put it up if i need to*

Tall guy: I don't know what you did, but I'm not letting you get away with it!

*The guy comes running g with a knife at Josuke, but Josuke doesn't show fear at all*

Josuke: Crazy dimond!

*Josuke blocks the man's attack and some how punches him all of the way across the pond*

Ari: Josuke! Are you alright?!

Josuke: Yes, I'm ok...but that guy..he. needs to see a doctor, pronto.

*The guy is knocked out pretty good. It doesn't look like he is getting up anytime soon*

Josuke: let's get to my house now.
We will be fine.

Ari: Ok then...Josuke your awsome.

*Josuke blushes and then we walk to his house. Soon we get there and Josuke sneaks me in. We get to his room and were tired of the long day we had*

Josuke: I think I'm going to sleep a bit earlier.

Ari: Same😪

*Me and Josuke wait no time. Were just out asleep on his bed and don't wakeup until morning*

Thank you for reading! Word count t just because was 1031!

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