Chapter fourteen: How is he?

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*I wakeup feeling Josuke's arm on top of me and then see him wakeup*

Josuke: sleep well?

Ari: yes...I did..

Josuke: You don't have to go to school today. You had a rough time yesterday.

Ari: I'll be ok...could we go see him?

Josuke: We could sneak out during lunch.

Ari: Ok...

*We get ready and then we walk to school*

Okuyasu: Josuke! Ari! I heard what happened.

*Okuyasu comes running behind us*


Okuyasu: Can we visit him today?

Josuke: When lunch starts we will head over to the hospital.

Okuyasu: Oh ok.

*We arrive at school and see Koichi. He greets us and then we go to first period*

Josuke:...Ari...are you ok?

*Josuke whispers to me*

Ari:...I'm ok...

*All of a sudden I feel his hand take mine*

Josuke: He is gonna be ok.

*I blush a bit and then listen to the lesson*

I go to my other
classes and then
lunch arrives

Josuke: Ready to go?

Ari: Yea..

*we all leave and Koichi comes running after us*

Koichi: Wait up!

*We then get to the hospital Rohan is at*

Josuke: Um hello. Could you tell us the room of Rohan Kishbe?

Nurse: Its not visiting hour. Get out of here kids.

Josuke: ma'am please let us see him.

Nurse: I said ge-

Ari: We asked what room he was in.

*The wind around me whirled and hypnotized the Nurse*

Nurse: 104, down that hallway.

*I run down there and the guys are coming after me astonished by what I did*

Ari's mind: My mind fills with horror. I just picture him laying dead in the hospital bed. It would be another loss of someone I cared about, but this time Miranda was involved.

Josuke: Ari! you don't have to run!

*I keep running until I see his room. I then go into it*

Ari: R..rohan..

*I walk into the room and rush to him. His head is wrapped in a bandage and he is linked to tubes*

Ari: This is my fault...I should have just stayed with Miranda...

*I then feel a hand reach mine and I look up*

Rohan: Thank you for helping me.

Ari: Rohan your ok!

*I hug him and cry a little and soon here the others come in*

Rohan: If you weren't there I could have died. I had lost consciousness after I heard you walk in.

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