Chapter ten: Another encounter with the enemy!

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*Morning comes and I wakeup*

Ari: Josuke...Josuke wakeup.

*Josuke gets up and looks down at at, tugging on his sleeve*

Ari: We should get ready, and go to school.

Josuke: Ok.

*We get our things and snuck out to school*

Okuyasu: Oi! Josuke and Ari.

Ari: Hey Okuyasu.

Okuyasu: Why were you in Josuke's house??

Josuke: Oh that stand got into her home, so I told her she could stay at my house.

Okuyasu: Oh...ok. Does your mom know?

Josuke: Pfft of course not.

Ari: I bet my house is fine now.  The user probably stopped going there after I left.

Josuke: Still don't trust it...let's get to school.

*We all walk to school together and go into our first class*

Ari: Ugh, science is so boring.

*I whisper that to Koichi, he sits next to me in that class*

Koichi: I actually agree. At lunch I'm going to go see Yukako, want to come?

Ari: I don't think she likes me though😅.

Koichi: Its ok, the guys will come too. I wouldn't let her harm you.

Ari: Oh wait. She would if you wouldn't stop her?!

Teacher: Miss Ari! Be quiet!

Ari: Oops...sorry😅

*Me and Koichi laugh a little and then continue on the lesson*

After some classes
lunch comes

Ari: Hey Josuke! You coming with us to have lunch with Yukako?

Josuke: Would love to, but I have to help Okuyasu with some science right now.

Ari: Oh...see you later then.

*I walked away but for some reason, I felt sad that he didn't come. I then walk with Koichi and we meet up with Yukako*

Yukako: Ugh it's her. Are you obsessed with MY boyfriend?!

Ari: Um no...we already discussed this, I don't like guy's who are shorter than offense..

Koichi: None...taken...

Yukako: We were going to have lunch by ourselves!

Koichi: I invited all of the others but they were busy, well except Ari.

Ari: I can go guys. I'll be fine.

Koichi: But I feel bad for asking you to come, and then you can't come😕

Ari: I'm good. Go have a nice lunch with her.

Koichi:...ok. thanks!

Yukako: Let's go Koichi!

*They leave me alone to eat some where else*

Ari's mind: I actually haven't been alone in a while...feels kind of sad...I'll go to the cafeteria.

*I walk to the cafeteria and get me some food. I get a sandwich and some chips*

Ari: I wonder where Josuke and Okuyasu are.

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