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                    The room was dark, the only light seeping through the crack under the door, but still you could see the white walls with red splashes. A small boy was hunched in the corner. Green hair, pale skin, freckles, and deep green eyes. His head slipped over and leaned against the wall. His eyes staring blankly at the wall in front of him. The room's light's in the room. A large pain exploded over his body like being squeezed making his fall over hugging himself. The large door opened making a chilling energy fill the air. A man with black silky hair and gray eyes walked in. He leaned down petting the boy's hair. He put a muzzle over his mouth. They stopped leaving a loud gasp and pants. The man petted the boy's hair once more. "Dr. Garaki wants to do a few test's before we send you off." The man said kindly. He helped the boy sit up, and tightened the muzzle. He kicked up the small boy before leaving the room.


                  Me and an undercover police officer were stalking a white van suspected of kidnapping. We'd been here for three days living in a black van. Tsukauchi was asleep right now. I was staring at the van. I flinched when the van sunk in the back, the back wheels having more pressure than originally. A man walked out, closing the door after him. He had a black T-shirt, and jeans with a brown belt. He pushed the hair from his face looking to the sky and squinting. He pulled a phone out of his pocket and clicked a few things. I halfway climbed to the back, shaking Tsukauchi's shoulder. "He's out!" I sat back down in the seat seeing him saying a few words. He hung up the phone and went to the front of the van and drove away. I drove after him. He turned right and I followed. We drove until we were in the middle of a highway. He took a right into a gravel trail off of the highway. He drove by and parked on the side. The two left the van and followed it, hiding in the tall yellow grass. They stopped when the van was in front of a large warehouse. He stepped out pulling his phone out. He simply said two words before hanging up. "Tsukauchi I want you to come for backup and follow this man once he leaves." I said, He nodded before sneaking off. I watched as something slipped out the passenger window. They ran into the tall grass having the same idea. He watched as two men walked out from the building.

                   He walked into the direction the person went and saw a small boy. He had a black skin tight shirt and gray sweatpants. He was hugging his stomach and leaning his head into his knees. "WHERE THE HELL IS HE!?" A ragged voice screamed before a thud. One of the men had the driver against the van. "Like I said he escaped!" He stated. "Do you even want to see your daughter again?!" The other screamed, pulling out a pocket knife. He glanced at the boy seeing him covering his ears and closing his eyes. An unsettling thud came before silence. "This is the second time this week, he's getting smarter. His father's gonna have to teach him a lesson." The other stated. He pulled out a small device before holding something down. There was a quiet whine, quiet enough so the two wouldn't hear. He looked over seeing the kid biting his hand and squeezing his eyes. I shifted over to him putting a hand on his shoulder. The kid looked at him with teary eyes.

                  He got out his knife and cut the shirt down the middle, his hand shooting away when he was shocked. The kid quickly ripped the rest off and threw it away from him. He quickly backed away, still staying hidden. His hand shakily rose before a few thuds. He looked over, seeing the two men unconscious. "Kid I'm a pro hero, I wanna help you get out of here." He looked the kid up and down. He had to many scars, no child should ever have this many, there were fresh cuts in his torso still bleeding, bite scabs on his lips, and he had odd bruises like hand shaped ones, he had two around his neck one on his chin a few on his arms and wrists and he had dark almost black ones on his waist and going under his pants. The door of the warehouse opened, and the man with black hair and gray eyes walked out. "C'mon Izuku, you know your dad put me in charge of watching you.   Look, another person died because of your selfish needs.  How many are that now, 5?" He asked crouching near the man's body. "At least he'll be with his family." He sighed. "Do you want it to be six?" He asked. I felt something begin to sting in my chest making me fall over clutching my chest. I tried to erase his quirk but I couldn't focus. The kid looked at me before speedily getting up and running towards the man. I was levitating up the pain in my chest slowly dissipating.

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