4.A New Friend

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Izuku walked into class and gave Present Mic his late slip. He took his seat and began to work. He nearly cried when the lunch bell came he quickly packed up his stuff and ran out of the room. He quickly got a bunch of food and sat down at his group's table. He took a bite of the katsudon and felt a giddiness in his chest. He took another bite of the katsudon as he saw Mina walk over to the table. "That looks good! Can I have some?!" Mina asked. Izuku's eyes widened as his fight or flight kicked in. He saw Mina's pink hand reaching for his katsudon! HIS KATSUDON! He swatted her hand away before scooting away glaring defensively at the pink teen. "Ok?" Mina questioned rubbing the top of her hand. Izuku watched as the rest of the group began to fill in the table. He stared out of the window and saw Todoroki sitting alone outside. He stared for a moment until the teen looked up from his food and towards him. He quickly looked away to his empty tray. He looked so lonely. He let out a "Hmph" before standing up and putting his tray away. "I'm going to go." Izuku said to Shinso. He walked outside and saw the half and half teen. He walked over and looked at the boy. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. The teen peered up.

"No." He answered. Izuku took the seat. "Why are you here?" Todoroki asked suddenly. "You looked lonely, and it's a beautiful day." Izuku answered. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't have an interest in making friends." Todoroki stated.

---The next day---

Izuku watched as reporters stormed the entrance pressuring students into answering questions from the class's window. He watched Aizawa walk out of the gate and get surrounded by Interviewers. He was there for a few seconds before walking back through the gate. He saw someone walk towards the gate only for the security protocol to block them out. He looked back into the room and laid his head down on his desk.

Students filled the room in a matter of minutes and noisily waited for their tardy teacher. He told a few student results and actions about their battle training. "Now let's get down to some homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice but today, I'll have you take another special test." He told the class. A dark aura filled the room and students had a stressed expression. "To decide on a class representative." He said. The aura disappeared. People began to raise their hands volunteering for the roll. "Silence please!" Iida screamed. Everyone turned and looked at him. "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not just a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one." Iida said loudly. Most mumbled about him having his hand rising the highest. Izuku zoned out not really caring who was chosen. Everyone was handed a post-it note and told to write their person they thought was the most reasonable candidate. Izuku wrote down a name and put it onto the front desk.

After the results were counted he glanced at the desk and saw the numbers. At the top was 2 Momo Yaoyorozu, 2 Tenya Iida. He smiled slightly knowing someone else had the same opinion as him. He looked back to Shinso who just shrugged a sly smirk on his face. They did another vote for class representative and the numbers were 11 Iida and 10 Momo. Aizawa announced the results as the students became content with the people who got the position

"Is this seat taken?" Izuku asked. He watched the half and half teen lookup. "No." He said. Izuku took the seat and looked up to the sky. "I am sorry about yesterday, I was in a sour mood." Todoroki stated. "I understand, also I wanted to thank you for yesterday." Izuku answered. The teen watched the other turn his head. "Thank me for what?" Todoroki asked. "I haven't been put in such a predicament since... Anyways thank you for not holding back, people usually do when they see me." Izuku answered. "Why?" Todoroki asked. "Well I've been called a Middle Schooler for being this height and my body doesn't tend to show muscle easily." Izuku answered, tapping his fingers on his knee. "We-" Todoroki began. He was cut off by a loud alarm. The two flinched at the noise. "There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." The two watched as a few third and fourth years had raced to the fields. The two followed in a slight jog.

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