meeting each other

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As you drive through a nice town go through main town turn on a road and pull in a driveway of the house

Which a family lives its moring .the mom is up getting everything ready for her husband and kids to come downstairs.
She heard " Linda .are you in the kitchen?"
She said " Yes Honey ."  As she walked in kitchen. 

A man (with brown hair ) walks into the kitchen and kissed the woman (with blond ) and said Moring honey."
She smiled" Moring baby are the kids up . " As he was getting his coffee and said " I heard Andy and Andrea ."

Just then they heard crying. She goes " The babies are up" leaving the kitchen to go get them.

As she goes upstairs the door open and she heard " Hi mommy Andy hit me ."
She look at her brown hair daughter and asked "why did you hit your sister. " looking a a brown hair boy
He said " She took my truck. "
She looked at her kids and said " Its ok .now go downstairs and eat breakfast before you go to school.
They went down and she smiles how twins can be different.

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