three years later

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Andrea woke and reached over to Jack side ,he wasn't there, she sat up and looked around .
She heard voices saying Now its Mommy birthday we are going to surprise her .
She smiled and lay back down ,heard the door opened and heard " Happy birthday Mommy ."
She up and see her husband Jack and the quads  he put a tray on her legs .
He said " The kids helped me  " Looking at their three years quads .
Arron crawled up on the bed and said " We help Daddy." She kissed him on his head and said " I see that." They made her pancakes with colors in scramble eggs ,toast with milk .
Jack said " Come on kids ,let's leaving to eat " Arron crawling back down.
They left ,she looked at her breakfast and all the sudden she didn't feel good .she pushed the tray off her lap and went to the bathroom.

Meanwhile downstairs Jack had the quads in their highchairs, he gave them bowls if cereal. and he sat to eat his breakfast.
Chris asked " We did good Daddy.?"
Jack said " Yes we did good. "
Laura said " We surprise Mommy."
Andrea walked in with her tray and said " Yes you surprise Mommy."
Jack looked at her and said " You ok ."
She said" Yes im fine ." Putting the tray in the sink .
She turned around and said " Lets get you four ready ,we are going to see Maw and Paw thomas ." Taking Missy out her chair putting her on the floor, pick up Laura to and put her on the floor.
Jack got the boys out of the chairs and put them on the floor.
He turned around and asked " Are you sure you are ok." She kissed him and said " Im fine just a little upset belly. "
He said" O.k . You got a Dr. Appointment today for a check up."
She said " Yes ."
He saidx" Happy birthday my beautiful wife ." Kissing her

Later on at the Andrea is sitting there waiting on him.
The nurse came out and said" Andrea."
She gets up and walked in the exam room .
Dr.Moore came in and asked " How the quads ?"
She said" They are three now  ." As she lay down .
She sat up and said" Im alright. "
He said" You are fine but you pregnant. "
She looked at him and asked " What?"
He asked " Yeah about 3 months ,you been sick  "
She said" Yes ,but I thought it a upset belly. "
He said" By the way Happy birthday. "
She said " Thanks. " he left and she was getting dress.

At the Thomas house the quads are asleep, linda sat down on the couch and said" They wore me out ." Laughing
Matt sat down next to.her and said " Our grand babies. " kissing her .
The door open they heard " Gross. "
They looked and Matt said " Hi Ann." As she shut the door ,walked in ,hugged her father asked " Where are the kids?"
He said" They are asleep." She sat down and said" Im pregnant agin."
Linda said " You pregnant have you told Jack yet."
She said " Not yet he is at work I wanted to know if we will watch the kids tonight ."
Matt Said " We love too ." They heard" Mommy."
They looked up and seen the kids at the gate .
She got up and opened the gate and got down to their level and said " You four are going to stay with mama and Pawpa tonight."
They all got excited.

Later that night Andrea is in kictern cook roast beef ,Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and rolls and for dessert she made a cream cheese cake .
She heard " Anyone here .?"
She said " Im in the kictern. " Jack walked in kissed her and asked " Where are the kids  " Sitting down in a chair.
She said " They are staying with my parents tonight ,so we can have night to ourselves  "
Jack said" I like that." Getting up and putting his hands on her ,kissed her agin.
She said " Slow down cowboy." Laughing
He just smiled.
As the dinner was doing and they are eating.
Jack asked " I forgot to asked how was your dr appointment?"
She smiled and saidc" Well we are going to get a bigger house." Smiled at him
He asked " You are pregnant?"
She said " Yes,."
He said " Im happy. " holding her hand .

Four months later its 2am and Andrea woke up with a pain in her belly.
She said " Jack there is something wrong."
He woke up and said " O.k.let me call mom." Getting up .
He called his mom.
Martha Anwear " Hello.
Jack said " Mom can you get here I think Andrea is in labor. "
She said " Ill be right there."
He help Andrea get dress as Martha came in .

At the hospital Andrea is in labor but they tried to stop it
She looked at Jack said" Its too early."
He said" Its ok honey." He looked at her she was very pale.
He asked " Honey ?" She closed her eyes
He yelled " Nurse my wife just passed out ."
The nurse and Dr ran in check Andrea check her and the baby .
He said " Get her to operate room ,we have to do a c- section. " he looked at Jack and said" Andrea and baby heart rate is going down ,we have to get the baby out for both to live."
Jack kissed Andrea's head and said " I love you." as the wheeled her out .

Two hr later Jack is in the waiting room with her parents and his Dad .
Robert said " Jack don't worry Andrea is a strong woman."
He looked at his Dad and said" I cant lose her  " he hugged him
The dr came in and said" Hi ." Jack turned around and asked " How are they?"
Dr said" Please sit down." They sat down .
The dr said " Andrea is fine ,but the baby  isn't good. She so small and her little heart is so weak ,she will not live long. "
Jack said " We have a girl.,how long ?"
Dr said " I'm give 6 months to a yr ."
Matt asked " Does Andrea know?"
He said " Yes i just told her." Getting up to leave. And said " Im very sorry just give her a good life. " leaving .
Robert looked at his and took him by the shoulder and said " You have to be strong for Andrea now like the dr say just give her a good life. " Hugging him.

In Andrea' s room she is holding her baby girl and saying " I love you little one."
Jack walked in and said " Hi."
She looked up and said " Hi.come meet your daughter. " he walked over his wife and daughter and said " Hi little one. "
She said " Her name is Rebecca Ann ."
He said " I love it." Kissing her head .
She asked Did the Dr tell you ?"
He said "Yes he did."
She said " We are going to give her a good life." Started to cry.
He hugged his wife and daughter.

Six months later Andrea woke up and got up because Rebecca would wake them up but she didn't.
Andrea walked to crib and scream 'Jack ,Becky not breathing. " he gets straight up and ran to the crib pick up becky and said " Becky don't leaves us."
He did cpr and said " Honey she gone."
Andrea said " No !!!!!" He hand over Becky to her .He was crying too and holding them both .

At the funeral Jack is holding up Andrea close to him as they walked up to pretty little white coffin to say good bye to their little girl.
Andrea placed her teddy bear with her and said " Here buddy to keep you safe." Kissing her head .
Jack looked at his daughter and said " Me and you mommy love you so much and so does your big brothers and sisters. " as he put a picture of the family in there with her.
As they buried they little girl. Laura walked to her mom and grabbed her hand .
Andrea looked down at her daughter ,pick her up and hugged her as they walked away from the grave .

    The grave said :

     Here lies :

    Rebecca Ann Montgomery

She lived a short life ,but was loved

Will miss you . Rest in pieces sweet girl.

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