wedding pt 3

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As the time gets closer Linda is walking down to the bridal room.
Matt asked " Everyone here ?"
Linda said " Yes ,im going to check on Andrea and see if she is ready ." Kissing him on the cheek.
She knock on the door and said " Its me." As Michelle ( Andrea' s maid of honor ) said " Come in Mrs.Thomas." she closed the door ,she looked at the bridesmaid and said " You all look good ."
Sandy said " Thanks, Andrea is getting done ."
They heard " Mom." They turned around .
There is Andrea in her wedding dress
It was white with short shelves that goes down with a sweetheart neckline .on the wist there is gold thread tied on the side on the bottom it came like a princess,.her veil was in her hand and in her hair there was a crown and around her neck was the locket that Jack got her .
Linda started to cry and said " You look so beautiful. " Hugging her  they let
Andrea said " Thanks Mom can you put my veil on ." Handing Linda the veil as she looked in the mirror, putting on the veil on the crown ,she looked in mirror again and seen her father and said " Hi Dad."
He said" This cant be my baby girl that I held in my arms ."

She said " Im still you girl ." He hugged her and let go and said " Its time ."
Taking her hand and put it in his elbow
After he put her veil over face .

At the end of the aisle Jack and his best man Jessie waiting on her .
Jack said " Im so nervous. "
Jessie said " I say you are but you are getting a beautiful woman and I'm getting a another sister." Laughing

They heard the wedding March sound and everyone stood up as the bridesmaids and matron of honor walked down the aisle. The door shut as Andrea and her father stand there
He looked at his brown hair beautiful daughter and said " I love you . "
She looked at him and said " I love you too Dad are ready to give me away ."
He said " Never " sneezing her hand .
The door opened and they started down the aisle to Jack .

He looked face forward and he could hear people saying " She so beautiful. "
As she and her Dad got next to him ,he turned and looked at his beautiful bride and said " You are very beautiful. "

As minster start and said " Marriage is a big step .For these two meeting each other as kids, hated each other and then found each ,This show what Love  is .
Who gives this woman to be married to this man."
Matt said" Her mother and I do." Putting her hand into Jacks  ,walked over Linda and sat down next to her .

The minster said " Repeat  after me ,I Jack Montgomery take you Andrea Ann to be my wife ,for poor and riches ,sickness and health until death we do part."
Jack Repeat after him ,holding her hand.
Minster looked at Andrea
Repeat after me I Andrea Ann take you Jack for my husband to have to hold in sickness and health until death part us ."
Andrea Repeat after the minster.
He turned and said " Jack Do you take Andrea as your wife from day on ."
Jack smiled and said " I do."
Minster looked at Andrea and said " Andrea do you take Jack as your husband from this day on ."
She said " I do." Look into his eyes

Minster said " Can i have the ring please ." Michelle and Jessis  gave him the rings
He said " Jack put this ring on and said with this I thee wed."
Jack put the ring on Andrea finger and said " With this ring I thee wed."
Minster gave Andrea Jack' S ring and he said " Andrea put this ring on Jack 's fringer and say with this ring I thee wed."
She puts it on his finger and said " With this ring I thee wed " they smiled at each other ,he mouth " I love you."
Minster goes " In front of God and family and friends these two people come together as one. "
He looked at them and Said " You may kiss the bride."
Jack lift the veil over her face, and they kissed a long kiss until Jessie said " Hey ."
Minster said " You are married, let me be the first for you all met Mr and Mrs Jack Montgomery. "
Everyone cheer as they walked hand and hand out of the church.

  In front of church Jack looked at his wife and said " Finally. " she laughed and they kiss again.
After all the pictures was done it was time for the wedding reception.
It was a open field with beautiful trees and flower
In the middle there was a tables with white with gold trim on each tables.
The wedding party table it has beautiful candles and chairs with white cloth .
The cake was a three layer chocolate cake with a bride and groom on top with red that look like flower going down each side.

As everyone came and find their sets you from Jessie said " Hey i like to introduce to my brother and his beautiful bride ,Mr and Mrs Jack Montgomery. "

As Jack and Andrea walked into the field hold hands  everyone clapped .
Her mom came up to them and said " Congratulations you two. " she hugged them both .
Andrea said " Thanks Mom."
As the reception are going the band is playing and you heard " Its time for the father and daughter dance."
Matt walked up to Andrea and said " Come on ."
As they dance he said " You look so happy and beautiful. "
She said " I am.very happy  Dad."
After the dance you hear a glass clink and Jack said " Excuse me me and Andrea would like to say for everyone for coming this is very special to us.As everyone know we grew up together and now we very happy. "
He kissed his wife.

An hour later Andrea is changing clothes for her honeymoon.
The door opened and she said " Hi."
She turned around it was Helen.
She asked " What are you doing here." Moving away from her.
Helen said " I wanted to see if he married you .And he did. I'm sorry for everything I did to you two.dont worry anymore Im moving away ,just wanted to say im very sorry. "
Andrea said " Thanks Helen we do appreciate it ,you better leave now."
She left, for once Andrea can relax now and enjoy they honeymoon.

Eveyone was waiting  for the Jack and Andrea to leave .
They came down walked the driveway, everyone threw white flower and them S they got in their car and drove way for the honeymoon.

An hour later after everyone left and the Thomas and Montgomery are the Thomas home.
The phone rang linda pick it up and said " Hello."
She heard " Hi Mom."
Linda said " Andrea I thought you and Jack are on the plane. "
She said " We are just wanted to call.and say thanks for everything and we love you all."
Linda holding the phone and said " We love you too. We will see you when you too get home."
  They hung up the phone and Matt looked at her Said " Was that Andrea ."  She said " Yes .it was " as they sat
down on the couch.
Robert said " We all are family now ." Kissing his wife on the cheek.
They sat down beside Matt and Linda .

Life of Andrea and Jack Montgomery Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin