wedding Pt 2

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A couple months later its about 3 weeks before the wedding. And Andrea ,her wedding party, her mom and Jack' s mom are a bridal shop .

They are sitting down in the chairs ,drink wine and eat sandwiches.
Martha said " I cant believe in 3 weeks and our kids will be married. " taking a drink
Linda said " Yeah ."
Andrea's bridesmaids walked out in their dresses .They all are wear light red dresses down to the feet ,with short shelves in the middle there is like a belt but a gold trim and hang down on one side ,the front of their dress is has gold trim in neck line and down on the side of dress.
Michelle said " Its pretty. " Looking in the mirror.
Sandy said " Yes ,it is, I love the gold trim and the shoe are nice. " Looking at her red high hill with a gold strap on it .

As everyone was looking at themselves, they heard " Hi."
They looked around and there was Andrea in her wedding dress .

At the tuxedo place Jack ,jessie ,and Billy, Jack's Dad and Andrea ' S are trying on their tuxedos .
Robert looked at his son and said " proud of you and you look so good ."
Jack said " Thanks Dad .I'm so lucky to have her in my life. "
Matt said " We all grown up together. I'm so happy to be gaining a son."
Jack smiled

After everyone got their fitting done.
Andrea said " I got to meet the wedding planner. "
Linda said " Alone. "
Andrea said " Yes ,I got to go .Martha tell Jack ill call him later. As she walked out.

As she walked in the Mall ,she seen Helen coming over .
Helen said " Hi Andrea ."
Andrea said " Hi Helen. "
Helen asked " Are you still marry Jack ,you know he loves me and will come back to me."
Andrea looked at her and said " We are getting married Helen .he is never coming back to you ,get over it ."

She said " He will get tried of you ." She walked away.
Andrea took out her phone dial Jack's number

He answered " Hi beautiful. "
She said ( Crying) " Hi ."
He asked " Whats wrong ? "
She said " Helen seen me here and said you would leave me and come back to her." As she sat down on a bench.
He said" Dont worry about her I love you ,I'm marry you not her. "
He said " Dont worry about her ,I love you ."
She said " Im going to get done and go home, I love you .
They hung up

Jack was mad at Helen for upset Andrea like so he went to her house.
He knock on the door, her dad Anwear it and said Hi ,Jack ."
Jack said " Mr. Robinson. Is Helen home.,"
He said Yes, Helen Jack is here."
She came downstairs and said " Hi."
Jack said " Hi." As her Dad left ,he looked at her and Said " Why did fuss at Andrea for, I told you it was over with us, you need to know I'm marry Andrea in 3 weeks and you need to stay out of life."
She looked at him and said " I love you ."
He said " I dont love you ,you leave us alone " as he walked away.

Later on that day Andrea is outside sitting on a chair when someone came behind and said " You will never have him,he is mine." She turned around there was Helen looked very pissed off ,she get up and said " You need to get over it Helen, he doesn't want you ."
Helen said " He does want back, he doesn't want marry you .he wants me ." Raise her hand to hit Andrea ,but her hand was caught and heard " Enough Helen. " letting go of her ,she turned around and said " Hi ,baby. " Smiling.
He walked over to Andrea and asked " Are you ok honey,"
She said " She just sacred me." As he put his arm around her.
He said " I told to leave us alone ,its over between us and I will never come back to you ,Im marry Andrea ,now leave. "
She said " Please don't Jack. "
He said " I said Leave, and you better not come our wedding. "
Helen looked at them and said " Fine .I'm over you ,you can have him." She walked away .

Jack looked at Andrea and said " Its ok beautiful. " Hugging her
She let go and said " I love you ."

Three weeks later everyone is up getting up .Andrea got out of shower when she heard a knock .
She said " Come in." The door opened and she looked and said " Grandma brown ,nana thomas ."
Grandma brown said " Hi baby girl ."
Nana Thomas said " Hi girl. " they walked in
They sat down and grandma brown said " We are happy for you and Jack."
She said " Yes we are happy. "
Nana said " Im so glad ." Handing her a package.
She opened it and Said " Wow ,it's your ring
She said " Anut Paula was supposed to get it but she didn't i through you can wear it for your wedding. " the ring has a pink stone with little diamonds around it .
She smiled and said " Thanks. " they got to leave

Life of Andrea and Jack Montgomery Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang