love forever pt 2

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After they moved into their new house with alot of room for everone.
Andrea came downstairs ( big as a house) said " Im so tried ," Looking at her belly, rubbing her belly and said " Two more weeks baby ."
Jack looked at his beautiful pregnant wife and said " You are so beautiful. " kissing her belly. She smiled .
He got up and said " I love you Andrea Montgomery. "
She said "I love you too Jack ." Kissing him .

They heard " Come on ." They turned around there was Arron and Chris ( their 6 soon to be 7 )
Jack said " You two are very funny."
Andrea said " Honey something wrong ."
He looked at her and asked " What ?"
She said " We should kiss more often ." Laughing
The boys walked away from their parents.
Jack and Andrea still Laughing, sat down on their couch and looked around to their new home .
She said " I love this place. "
Jack looked at her and said " I love you and always have." Pulling her closer, put his hand on her belly and said " I love our family. "
She smiled and said " I wouldn't change anything. " they kissed agin .
She said " I dont think the baby like that "

Couple days at Andy's law school graduation .
As everyone sat down .
Linda said " Im so proud of him with everything with Helen and now he is to be lawyer." Matt took her hand .
Jack looked at his very pregnant wife and smiled she looked back at him and asked " What wrong ?"
He said " Nothing. " as he looked down at his family .
He through how lucky his was with a beautiful wife and soon to be seven children.
He grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes and said " I love you ."
She smiled at him and said " You better." Rubbing her belly .
They heard " Andrew Lee Thomas"
They cheer and clapped .
After Andrew's graduation they are getting pictures made.
Andy looked at his very pregnant sister and said " There is someone I want you met ." Taking her over a short brown woman is very beautiful green dress .
Andy said " Misty this is my twin sister Andrea ."
Misty turned around and said " Hi "
Andrea said " Hi Misty." Shaking her hand
Misty said" Your brother talks about alot and about his nieces and newphews."
Andrea smiled asked " How did you two met "
Andy stated to laugh and said " I was running late and slipped my coffee on her, she was lost."
She said " We just stated to talk. I just finished my college too. I am a nurse ,oh I see you are pregnant. "
Andrea smiled and said " Yes ,this is my eight kid "

Couple months later Andrea had her baby which was a girl.
Jack looked at his daughter and said" Hi my Brittany Nicole. "
Andrea said " She is beautiful. " Smiling at her .
As Jack put her little blanket on his baby daughter and asked " When is Andy 's wedding date?" As they walked out .
She said " I dont know he just called as said Misty and him will be here in a few to meet Brittany.and he has a surprise for us too."
He said " O.k." as they walked downstairs.
They heard " Chris you are wrong. "
They walk in the kictern to the outside,
Jack asked " Whats going on with you four?"
Arron said ( the quads are now 11 yrs old) Chris said the we are not going to be in the same classes in school ."
Andrea said " Its true you four needs to making other friends except you four together.

Andy and Misty came to their house and told everyone that they are married.

Life of Andrea and Jack Montgomery Where stories live. Discover now