love forever

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As Andrea walked out of her English class ,walked to her locker heard " Hi beautiful " she turned around and said " Hi handsome."

He smiled said " Im so lucky ." Looking into her green eyes .

She said " Lucky rember we hated each other as kids. " Laughing closed her locker.

He laughed too, kiss her .
They heard " Get a room you two."
They looked around there was Sandy ,Jay, Michelle, William, and Kate
Jack said " You should be use to ." Putting his arm around Andrea' s shoulder.

Michelle said " I can believe we are finishing high school ,Any plans. "

Jay said " I haven't decided yet."
Sandy said " Im going to community College. "

Michelle said " Kate and I are going on a trip How about you two. "
Andrea said " I dont know ."
Jack said " Im taking over from Dad." As they all walked out the high school.

As Jack pulled up to Andrea 's house ,turn off the car ,look at his girlfriend and said " We are still going out tonight. "
She looked at him and said " Yes ill see you at 7 ." Giving him a quick kiss ,got out of the car .

As he drove off she walked into the house.
Headed " Is that you Andrea " as she closed the door.
She said " Yes ,."
She heard " Come in here please your present from your grandparents.

She walked into the dining room there was Andy ,and the twins Billy and Brenda sitting at the table
Andy said " Look at what grandma got me ." Pulling up and shirt .
She sat down and Said " That nice ."

Linda put a box in front on her and said " Open it ."
She opened the box and pulled out a beautiful red dress in her size and favorite color .
She said " This is very beautiful. " putting in front of her and said " Im going to wear on my date with Jack ." Going upstairs.

Linda looked at Matt and said " She so happy." Looking at her other kids
Andy said " She is mom she sing in the shower all the time ."
They all laughed.

Couple hours later Jack pulled up to Andrea' s , got out of car ,walked to the door .
The door bell ,he heard " I'll get it."
Andy opened the door and asked " When do you rung the door bell.
? "
Jack said " Andy come on ,I wanted to make this a special say for your sister."
As he coming into the house .
Linda and Matt walked in and said " Hi."
Linda said " I'll go get Andrea ." Walked upstairs, knock on her daughter door and said " Honey, Jack here."
She heard " Ill be down in a minute. "

Linda walked back downstairs and said " She will be down in minute. "
They all sat down on couch
Matt asked " How is the shop going "
Jack said " Its will going great. "
They heard " Im coming down. "

They are looked up ,Andrea walked downstairs in her beautiful red dress,
She got downstairs and said " Hi."
Jack looked at her and said " You beautiful. "
She smiled and laughed
As they went the door .
Linda looked how her daughter has grown and said " She so grown up."
Matt said ( hugging her ) " Yes she is in good hands. "

Couple minutes they pulled up at the restaurant. Jack gets out ,open the door for her,she gets out ,he shut the door.
They walked in the restaurant, got sit and Jack said " You are beautiful. "
She smiled and Said " You are very handsome. "
They ate dinner waiting on dessert.
Jack said " I love you ." Smiling at her
She said " I love you too . " as the dessert was sat down .
She looked at up ,Jack got up walked around to her side, and got on one knee and said" When we first met as kids I didn't like girls but as we grew up .I seen you in a different light, I love you so much ,I want to ask you a question.
Will you marry me Andrea ?" Pulling out a beautiful ring .
She looked at him smiled and " Yes! I will marry you." As he put the ring on her finger, she get up hugged him and then kissed him said " I love you Jack ." He smiled back said " I love you too." They kissed again.

As they pulled up at her house, they seen his parents car there .
In the house everyone was waiting for them .
They walked and Jack said " Can everyone come in here ."

Everyone walked and Robert said " Hi son ,Andrea ."
Jack said " We have good news." Hang on Andrea ' s hand .
Martha asked " What is it .? "
Jack said " I asked Andrea to marry me tonight ."
She smiled and said " And I said Yes." Show her ring .
Everyone cheer ,hugged them both .
Robert said " Now we will be family ."
Linda said ( Smiling ) said " Yeah ." Looking at happy her daughter and soon to be son in law.

Life of Andrea and Jack Montgomery Where stories live. Discover now