Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Marcus wearing a navy dress shirt, with dark grey slacks made him look normal and approachable, but his eyes were anything but that. I turn away from him staring down the owner of the grocery store. If looks could kill that poor man would be dead right now.

"You could have stayed in the car." I tell him while picking up the best riped tomatoes I could find. Of course, I was responded with silence.

Eric had a few connections that allowed the grocery store to close down for me. Even though I was excited to be allowed a moment to shop in peace, Eric and I had ulterior intentions. It was my idea to offset costs by volunteering to cook our family meals everyday until we get our accounts unfrozen again. My brother thought it was a smart financial move and made it happen. Everyone usually orders or eats out, and our Chef was traveling on his book tour, so that left me. I always cooked meal preps in advance for my week, but this time I'll cook everything fresh everyday for everyone.

The owner was nice enough to even provide his own secruity guards to escort me to and from my car. That's helpful because the media was practically pressed up against the store's glass trying to get good shots of me. I, at first, thought the owner was doing all this for publicity, but it seems like he is more of a huge fan of my family. He's been practically fan girling with constant chatter following us around. That is until Marcus told him to, 'shut the fuck up'. Now the owner is just staring at me like a boy getting his favorite toy on christmas day. And even that is pissing off my body guard.

"Revert your eyes or I'll do it for you." He threatens the poor man who looks just innocently starstruck.

I stop looking around produce and tug at him arm. He looks down at me with his glare not loosing it's fire."Marcus, please be nice. He's gone out of his way for us." I whisper loud enough for him to only hear. I run my hand down his arm to try to calm him while shooting the owner an apologetic smile.

"Don't smile at him." Marcus snaps.

I roll my eyes, I guess he's just going to continue being an ass regardless of what I say. So I turn away from both of them and continue with my cart down the aisle. "Eggs... where's the eggs..." I'm talking to myself.

"Eggs are right this way, Ms. Aslan. Would you like cage free, large grade, medium grade-?"

"Um... I'll check them out myself. Thanks."

His glasses fog up a little. He takes them off as he steps closer to me clearly excited to be of help. "Are you sure? I could just go get-"

"Did you fucking hear her?" Marcus steps in front of me, blocking my view. "She'll get them herself." He shoves him back roughly. "Step closer again and I'll make you a paraplegic." I side step a little to notice the mans face pale in fear.

Seriously? I huff at Marcus's manners. I shake my head disappointed with this. A little sad too because I never get to shop alone like this. It's probably the most normal thing I've done since I got adopted. And this beast of a man is ruining it for me by being an asshole unnecessarily.

"Let's just go home." I leave my cart, not even in the mood to put things back. I begin to walk towards the front, but I'm pulled back by my hand to face him.

"What's wrong?" He frowns in confusion.


"What's wrong?" He says forcefully.

I sigh. "I just never get to do normal things like this anymore. I wanted to enjoy it, but you're making that hard. I- Nevermind. I'll tell Eva to shop for me. It's fine." I look down trying my best to hide my disappointment. I concentrate on my white dress that's somehow loosing the puffiness of its sleeves. 

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