Chapter 1- A different path

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Leafpool was lying down in the medicine den listening to soft sounds of rain, drop onto the den. She had just recently lost her mentor and the cat that she loved.  Except on the days she traveled to the moonpool, Leafpool felt lonely.  What's wrong with me?  she thought.  Her mind drifted back to when she and Crowfeather ran away to be together. Crowfeather. He was so understanding when I had to stay with the Clans. He -  

             Leafpools thoughts were interrupted when Mousepaw came in covered in thorns and leaves. Spiderleg was padding a tail-length behind him. "What happened now?", Leafpool asked trying her best not to let out a murrow of laughter.  

"It was the craziest thing", Mousepaw started.  " Spiderleg took me hunting and I caught 2 mice," Mousepaw told her proudly.  

"Is that so?" Leafpool responded while gathering a mouthful of Dock. 

"Yep but that's not all, we were about to bring the prey back to camp when I saw a huge bird-"    

 "He went after the bird and landed in a bramble bush", Spiderleg growled a hint of amusement in his eyes.  

"Yeah, well I caught the bird. And it's so big it could feed the whole clan!", Mousepaw exclaimed boastfully.    

"Soundś fun", mewed Leafpool chewing up the Dock leaves, while Spiderleg just rolled his eyes at the sound of his apprentice boasting.   

"This is going to sting a little.", she warned Mousepaw in her sweet, gentle mew.  Leafpool carefully applied the chewed dock leaves to Mousepaws scratches.  Mousepaw winced at the feeling of the leaves seeping through his scratches.  As Leafpool finished applying the leaves, she gave Mousepaw some poppyseeds to help him sleep.


 Leafpool made her way to the moonpool, something on her mind. 

"Hi, Leafpool!"  Mothwing mewed cheerfully.  Leafpool was glad to see her friend in such a good mood.  

"Wow Mothwing, youŕe in a good mood.",  Leafpool purred happily.  

"Yep! Willowpaw helped with Rippletailś bellyache..sheś getting really good, sooner or later sheĺl be a full medicine cat. 

"Thatś great!", Leafpool mewed. 

 All the medicine cats made their way into the Moonpool. Leafpool lied down and touched her nose to the cold water.   

She opened her eyes expecting to see the glimmering Starclan cats, Instead, she saw claws, sharp claws, and moonlight shining down on them.  Then she saw two paws separated by trees and water,  which evaporated and turned into two stars.  Next to her kits, Lionkit, Jaykit, and Hollykit about to fall off a cliff.  Horrified, Leafpool ran up to them trying to stop them from falling, but the image just disappeared. She could see her clanmates drowning in a black river.  Leafpool yowled wanting this to be over.  Her sister Squirrelflight suddenly appeared, her green eyes blazing into her own.  Like she somehow saw Leafpool.  Leafpool wanted to go share tongues with her sister and tell her it would all be ok.   But the next thing she saw, made Leafpoool's whiskers quiver with fear. She saw herself, falling through the clans, being exiled.  Then one by one the clan fell apart, without her, there was no hope.  As she saw her clanmates dying, a voice whispered in her ear.  

 "You must resist." And then Leafpool heard a different voice  "You can stop this from happening."  More voices just telling her the same thing over and over.  

Before the vision came to an end, Leafpool ws reunited with an old friend. The dark tortisshell looked sweet as always. 

"Spottedleaf.." Leafpool breathed, but her ld friend just looked serious and mewed aloud.

 "Something is coming and you must choose the right path." 

 Leafpool bristled "W- What do you mean? tell me more, W-whats coming?" The Starclan cat just shook her head and Whispered before fading away  

"You must choose the right path." 

  Leafpool woke up with a jolt.  All the other medicine cats were waking up as well.  She looked over at Mothwing who was stretching after her nap.  Leafpool knew Mothwing's secret, that Mothwing didn't believe in Starclan.   But it didn't matter, she was a good medicine cat.  As the medicine cats started to walk back to their camps, Leafpool found herself right next to Mothwing.

 "Are you ok Leafpool?", Mothwing asked in her sweet calm voice, as she touched Leafpools shoulder with the tip of her tail. 

"I'm fine" Leafpool promised.  Even though she felt the complete opposite from "fine", she didn't want the pretty golden she-cat to know what troubled her.  Mothwing looked doubtful, but smiled and looked at Leafpool.   

"I'm always here if you need to talk.", Mothwing promised as a purr rumbled in her throat.  

Leafpool stared at Mothwing for a few heartbeats before barely whispering "I know."  As the two she-cats padded away in silence, Leafpool remembered Spottedleaf's words,  "Choose the right path."   She pushed the thought away as her pelt brushed Mothwing's and the two cats went their separate ways. 

Sorry for the short chapter,  I'll update soon.  I have lots of time due to Covid-19.  be sure to comment and stay safe! 💙☺


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