Chapter 4-A deep feeling

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"Nooo!", you can't hurt her! Mothwing raced towards the badger, raking her claws across its flank. "Let go of her!" Mothwing hissed through her teeth.

The badger shook Leafpool around for a while until Mothwing bit its leg. Letting out a yowl the badger threw Leafpool against a tree causing Leafpool to let out a small wail before becoming silent.

Mothwing gasped at the sight of the blood that was covering Leafpool's flank, trickling down her legs."Noo!"

She turned on the badger, Hissing, ready to do anything to make sure Leafpool would not get any more hurt.  

The badger snarled weakly and Mothwing lashed out her claws, unsure how to fight. She ran as fast as she could.  She then came to a big tree allowing the badger to trap her. Panting she backed away as the badger came closer, one more step and she would be crowfood.

Mothwing suddenly realized that the badger was weak Its leg was covered with dry blood, and its eyes looked dull and hurt.

She took a chance and aimed for its eyes. The badger backed away, giving Mothwing more room to fight. 

I'm no warrior, I can't fight this badger.  The gold tabby was unsure of what she should do.  She then remembered the badger's weak leg, how it would limp.

Mothwing aimed low and lashed at the badger's front leg leaving barely a scratch. what if i- Mothwing was cut off when another figure lashed at the badger's flank causing a screech.   who is that?  Mothwing could only tell that it was a cat, maybe a loner or- Mothwing spotted a shiny collar around its throat.- it was a kittypet?! 

Mothwing watched as the kittypet clawed its belly, and blood spilled out. Mothwing stepped out of the way and watched as the badger's legs collapsed. Just to be sure it no longer was a threat,  the kittypet bit the badger's neck, causing it to screech a few times, before finally becoming still.

The kittypet saw Mothwing and gave her a small nod, then vanished into the shadows, leaving her standing there stunned.

Not wasting any time Mothwing ran back to where Leafpool was. Mothwing wailed, seeing her lying, almost still, against the tree. She knew that her friend was in no shape to head back to camp, for all she knew, Leafpool might not survive. No. Mothwing thought. I won't let her die. Not if I can help it.

Thinking quickly Mothwing found some Cobwebs and pressed them all over Leafpool's wound. Mothwing could see her flank slowly rising and falling, as her breathing became more shallow.

Mothwing chewed up some marigold and gave her some other useful herbs that would hopefully heal her. But the rain was getting worse and Mothwing knew they had to find shelter.

She took Leafpool by the scruff and dragged her across the forest not wanting to hurt her. Leafpools flank was heavy, weighted with rain making it tricky for Mothwing to drag her, but she was strong and she could do it. The fact that Leafpool might die without her, also motivated the golden she-cat to take care of her friend.

Realizing she might need to put Leafpool down if she wanted to find shelter, she looked around hoping to find some sort of den that they could use. Mothwing decided that it would be best to put Leafpool down and search for herself. She carefully placed Leafpool on some leaves, checking her wounds before leaving her. She looks so peaceful. Mothwing hoped it wasn't too late.

She looked around for a bit and finally, she found some shelter. It was a strange rock, that curved around the top making almost a perfect cave. The shelter reminded her of the RiverClan medicine den, though it didn't have a place to store the herbs. Mothwing gathered some moss and made two nests.

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