Hello there stranger

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Again, just like the last one this one is also up by itself on my profile, and so if you haven't already read it, enjoy (:

"Are you ready to order yet?" The girl asked him, a notebook and pen in hand.

"No, I-" He stopped. "Err, can you give me a few more minutes. I'm sure he'll turn up soon enough." He said. The girl looked at him, sympathy in her eyes.

"Well let me know if you change your mind ok?" She said softly, before walking away.

Gerard has been telling himself for the past hour that Bert would turn up soon. He'd been so ecstatic when Bert had asked to meet him at the diner downtown, but now that he got here he wasn't so sure he would turn up. Still, he kept telling himself that he would turn up, feeding himself with a pointless sense of hope, telling himself lies like maybe he'd been caught up in traffic, or was busy and forgot to mention it to Gerard, even though deep in his heart, he knew otherwise.

He really should have listened to Mikey. Mikey told him Bert was a dick, but Gerard has been too head over heels for him to really pay attention to his brother.

He sighed and ducked his head down when a few more customers shot him looks of sympathy, and decided that if Bert didn't turn up in 5 minutes he would leave. The waitress was probably getting concerned about the amount of coffee he'd ordered so far anyway.

He was just about to get up and pay, when someone sat down in the seat opposite him.

"Sorry I'm late babe, traffic was hell!" The stranger said loudly, before grinning at him.

Gerard was dumbfounded, wondering if this cute stranger had got the wrong person, but he smiled back anyway, and saw the waitress breathing out a sigh of what seemed like relief, before going to the back - presumably to get her notepad to take their order.

"Sorry, I passed here on my way to and from the bakery, and saw you sitting sadly, and from the looks people were giving you it appeared you'd been stood up, and I didn't like seeing such a pretty face look so sad, so I had to come in and save you!" He grinned cheekily.

"My knight in shining armour" Gerard said before he could stop himself.

The stranger chuckled. "My name's Frank, yours?"

"Gerard" He said. Smiling.

It was at this point the waitress came back to take their orders.

"You ready to order?"

"Yep! I'll have the pasta with the vegan meatballs please!" Said Frank.

"That's fine, anything to drink?"

"A black coffee, two sugars please"

"That's fine, and you?" She said, turning to face Gerard.

"Err... I'll just have the soup of the day thanks?"

"And to drink, and don't think about saying coffee, I know how much you've had today" She said chuckling. "I'm glad you finally turned up, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to sleep for a month with the amount of coffee he ordered!" She exclaimed.

Frank chucked "Yeah, as I said. I didn't mean to leave him waiting. Traffic down my way was absolute hell!"

"I can imagine! I'm glad you still made it" She smiled, before turning back to Gerard.


"I'll just take water, thanks." He said.

"That's ok. Your food should be ready in about 20 minutes." Stated the waitress, before turning and leaving to give their orders to the chef.

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