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"I didn't know it was you," Tanjiro glanced at me solemnly.
"It's just that..there's a lot of things going through my mind right now and I'm really exhausted."

At the cafe, he was smiling while tending the people at the cafe. The busier his hands were the happier he seemmed. Now, the smile was gone and replaced by a wistful expression on his face. His eyes were stormy and his lips were pursed into a thin white line

"..You wanna come over to my place? You can vent to me, I'm a good listener." I definitely regretted saying that, I can't make people feel better for shit.

"You don't mind..?"

"Not at all."

We took the elevator down and walked back to my place in an awkward silence. Honestly the silence was suffocating but there wasn't much I could say.

"We're here." I unlocked the door and opened it, a wave of cold air left the house. Dang, I left the air conditioner on again.

"Woah..it's so pretty, but it's surprisingly small.." Tanjiro looked around.

"It's good enough for one person. Besides that, have you eaten?"

"No, that's why I wanted to get food.." He wrapped his hands around himself.

"Wait, sit on the couch. I'll be back in a jiffy." I ran to the bedroom to grab a blanket for him. Shittttt..my other blankets are in the washing, are you serious, I have to keep him warm with my blanket??? It probably reeks of my sweat.

"Argh fuck it, this will do." I grabbed the blanket and walked back to Tanjiro who was seated on the couch with his legs tucked up.

"You're probably freezing, here," I handed it to him.
"Use this."

"Oh! I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me."  He pushed the blanket to me.

"You're saying that while shivering," I wrapped the blanket around him.
"If you still feel cold I can turn the temperature up—huh?" Tanjiro turned his back to me.

"Is there a problem..?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hmpfu...fhghmofggh.." Muffled noises came from Tanjiro, I turned him around so I could see his face. He was crying.

"Oh jesus..what happened Tanjiro?" I pulled him into a hug and gave him soft pats on the back.

"Ka..Kanao.." He weeped into the blanket.

"Kanao? Who is that? What did that person do to you?" Whoever that Kanao person is probably important to him, or maybe was important.

"I loved her so much that I didn't know what to do with myself..I was satisfied just being by her side, at her disposal whenever she needed me. I was the one who cut ties with her but lingering affections like that never disappear that easily.." Tanjiro wailed.

"I don't know much about breakups but you shouldn't cry over it, it might suck a lot now but you have me or your friends to talk to. Who knows, you might even find someone who would love you equally." Well, I know I would.

"As a matter of fact, I think I'm doing a shit job at cheering you up so why don't we watch a movie?" I got up to get the remote and Tanjiro giggled.

Third person pov

Muzan turned around, confused.

"You're actually doing a really good job at cheering me up." Tanjiro's eyes brimmed with tears and the smile tugging his lips broke into a grin.

"That's nice to hear~" Muzan switched channels till he found a good movie.


30 minutes into the movie it started getting boring and it was hard to understand the confusing plot.

"Muzan..do you think this movie is interesting or do you wanna watch something else..?" Tanjiro asked awkwardly.

"Not really, but I didn't ask because I thought you liked it," Muzan passed the remote control to Tanjiro.
"Change it to any channel you want."

"Alright, how about channel 1" Right when tanjiro thought he was finally gonna watch something interesting, the channel he changed to was a scene of a couple having sexual intercourse. When the lady in the television moaned, Tanjiro who was very much startled, dropped the remote and kicked it under the couch by accident.

Muzan was not fazed at all, as a model he has seen people bare nude. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Gah! The remote..uhh.." A flush crept across his cheeks when he bent down to find the remote.

Muzan looked at Tanjiro and smirked.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tanjiro was avoiding any possible eye contact.

Tanjiro Kamado

Well this is certainly very..uncomfortable. I need to find the remote. Hey wait. I'm a guy, I shouldn't be embarrassed about watching a sex scene with a friend right? I stood up and looked at Muzan.

"I can do that to!"  I pointed at the screen. Oh no. It came out wrongly.

My entire body felt hot, this is really embarrassing..say something Muzan. We locked eyes for a second until he threw his head back and let out a peals of laughter. The sex scene was still playing in the background which made things ten times weirder than it originally was.

Muzan stopped laughing and got up. He's coming this way..I'm screwed.

"Show me." Muzan leaned down and subtly grinned. He slid his right arm around my waist. What in the world is happening. I feel an odd and heavy feeling in the air that I can't quite put my finger on.

"EH???? The sentence..it uh, it came out wrongly! I swear. Plus, I'm a guy and you're a guy..there's no way it'll work out!" I pushed him away.

"No way it'll work out..?" Muzan brought his face closer to mine.

"C-can you back off..?"

"Ah..I'm sorry, I'll get the remote." He took a few steps back before bending down to retrieve the remote.

"I'll be heading back now.." I went to the door.

"But it's already so late, don't you wanna stay?"

"I don't wanna disturb and my friends would be worried since I didn't tell them that I would be coming to your place."

"Oh. You should have this." Muzan reached into his pocket and took a key out.

"A key? For what?" Muzan walked to me.

"Just in case, you ever need someone to talk to, you can come over. It's a spare key." He smiled and placed the key in my hand.

Yuh Yuh eeyeyeyeyeyyee yee ive been hornknee for way too long someone please allow me to get starbucks

Cafe Love [Muzan X Tanjiro (Modern AU)]Where stories live. Discover now