Brought together by the stars

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In my dreams,
through the pasture of my soul you wander.
You are the love my heart ached for
the hope I kept hold of.

Through tears and torment
I clung onto my vision of you,
even before we met
I knew every line of your face
as well as I know my own.

So many nights
I imagined how soft your flame red hair
would feel between my tentative trembling fingertips,
and how my lovestruck heart would race
as I fell again into your grey cloud eyes.
I loved you before I met you
I loved you before you walked into my life.

Over the span of my years
you were there at my side
my guardian angel
you held me when fear came to my door,
and you were there when through a time of hell
something beautiful did happen
and I became a mum for the first time,
and through it all you were there to reassure me
that I was doing all I could
for my new born son, and that
I wasnt as alone as I felt I was.

You were my rock,
my lighthouse guiding me through the storm,
my compass helping me find my way back home,
and when at last I saw you outside the confines of my mind,
on that september afternoon at half past five
I was seized by an urge to kiss you
like I had often fantasized I would.

Instead I stumbled upon my words,
for so long I had planned what I would say to you
if by some chance you ever became a reality to me,
yet here I was like a teenager newly aqquainted with love
trying to form a sentence to my soul’s missing half
I couldnt catch my breath
for you were more beautiful then I could have foreseen,
your hair the coulour of passion blazed brightly,
your eyes as deep and limitless
as all the oceans of the world
made my senses spin
and the butterflies float to the surface,
and I knew in that moment that I had found you..
that you were her...
the girl I had carried in my heart for most my life,
my fantasy woman finally made flesh.

Three years since that day now,
and with each moving moment
each minute that passes
I become more and more immersed in you
like a circle drawn in time...
I do not know were I begin
and you end.

Tied together by fate
brought together by the stars
You and I were meant to be,
You were always my destiny
my all, my everything.
the love we have none can break.

We are as one
and soul.

We are forever
you are my dearest darling,
my Desdemona
and I am yours
my lady,
my longing.

We are the fairytale,
we are what it means
when people refer to that one beautiful
glorious thing
that only the few are fortunate to find,
that once upon a dream thing
known sweetly
known simply

Brought together by the starsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant