love is love

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Love is love

it cannot be labeled

or categorized,



singled out,

Love is without gender,

Love is a mysterious entity

without definition

it does not exist in a state of black and white,

Its vibrancy blinds

It's strength inspires

those from all walks of life

be they poet

or singer

office worker

or store assistant.

It cannot be kept in a sealed box

it must be free to fly,

to float above the far away clouds,

and once felt

there is no denying its presence

it’s existence

or its impact upon the lives of those

it visits.

Its permanence is dazzling

Its magical quality

straight out of the pages of a fairy tale

or legend spun in gold

that endure long after life

long after the world

and long after the stars have

faded to but a dim and distant memory.

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