Real Love

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Within her thoughts she lingered

long after they had gone their separate ways,

day after day

her heart ached

for things to go back to how they were,

for the hands on the clock

to turn back

to the days when she would smile

when she woke each morning

her princess's face clear in her mind,

and turning over she would see her lying beside her

and the feelings that ran through her soul

words could not justify

nor adeqautely describe.

Hour upon hour she occupied her thoughts

her daydreams

her hopes for what her future would hold

and staring at the empty chair

where once she sat

her heart broke all over again

and ached to be with her love once more.

Sometimes they would see each other

in the street

and something would pass

between them,

a feeling

they were both sure they had lost

under the grindstone of other people's

small minded beliefs.

That had been the reason

they had to part

at least that was the reason

her girlfriend had given her,

she couldn't do it anymore

coudn't cope with her parents silence

her friends dissaproval,

the feeling of being so utterly alone

where ever she went

so she ended it

and when she did that

she had broke both of their hearts.

Staring at the phone hollie wondered,

wondered if she should ring her

tell her that it didn't matter what other people

thought or said

so long as they were happy.

How many moments of happiness

would one truly find through life

and was it really worth

throwing away that chance

beacuse other people

were too blinkered to see

that real love

was not about gender

or age,

it was about the heart

and nothing else,

about two people

finding something within themselves

that previously had been missing.

Her hand hovered over the phone

and a silent tear ran down her cheek,

the door knocking

making her jump,

gathering herself together

she tried to put on a brave face

to smile through the pain

so no one would know,

but the facade fell

when she saw

her girlfriend standing there

bedraggled and wet

her clothes stuck to her,

"I can't do this anymore" she whispered thorugh

a haze of tears;

"i can't be without you...I don't care what other people say,

all I want is to be with you right now....I love you....I  have always loved you"

and as the rain fell down

they kissed

and the world fell back into place,

their hearts began to beat again

and they swore that nothing would ever tear them apart again.

Years later that love still burns as bright as it did

on that damp and cold night

so many moons ago,

proving to all

that love real true love

is without end

and like a pheonix

rising from the ashes again

and again

it never fades

nor dies,

real love is magical

Real love is genderless, it comes

Without conditions

Without labels

Without colour,

Real love is endless and


Like an eternal rose

It never withers or dies .. .

Real love is magical...

And beautiful...

real love lasts forever. 



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