A Place In Time

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I close my eyes and in my mind

I travel to a place in time.

Wipe the cobwebbed memory clean,

And live the moment over.

A damp December the night we met,

And to this day I can't forget

The golden sunlight of your hair,

Or the promise of mystery

Hidden deep within your eyes

As green as emeralds;

The crowd parts and I see your face,

All the noise and chatter passes

In the space of a heartbeat,

And I hear your voice.

The song you sing reaches out to me,

As if each verb, each syllable

Is meant only for me,

And gently touches my soul.

Without a thought I walk up to you,

As you stand on stage like an angel wrapped in light.

Our eyes meet, and I try to speak,

But my voice emerges as a strangled whisper,

The words die on my lips before they're given life.

Dizzy, burning, hot with fever,

The blood rushes to my head.

Love sick, lost, I see you smiling,

And for a moment I forget to breathe.

Without a pause, you reach out to me,

And lower yourself into my waiting arms,

The music stops and you lean into me

For that first kiss

When our fates entwined together in a heated moment;

Two hearts, two spirits, united, fuse to form as one,

Like a scene from a dream that I'll fondly remember

Or some old romantic movie played out in the theatre of my mind.

Where happy ever afters really do happen,

And words like true love, and forever

Are not mere sentiments

Spoken of often, but hardly ever meant,

Or felt, or realised...

By the cynics of mankind.

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