A Note To The Future

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Nothing is promised

So don't take anything

Or anyone in life for granted.

That which flourishes today

May be only a memory tomorrow,

So always hold those closest

To you above all

Trivial things,

And never let harsh words

Break what you have.

Life is far too precious,

And we are all here

in what

Will seem like The blink of an eye

Or the drop of a tear,

and in that length of time

We do our best To fill up our life

With goodness

And prosperity,

And with people who will

Leave an impact on our souls

And our hearts.

We flock to love

Like seagulls to the shore,

And we know

That in the right circumstances

And if nurtured correctly

To bloom and grow,

That love is a force

That can surpass

Even death itself.

So cram your days full of smiles

And dreams that

Are bigger then

The world you walk on.

Avoid all negative thoughts

And negative people for

They will drag you down

Till you are but a spectral shadow of yourself.

Instead fill your days

With those who Bring out the very best in you,

And who encourage You to grow

And prosper,

And who care about

Where you are going

And who you will eventually become.

Only then will you Shine as brightly

As the stars

And blaze as hot as the sun,

And no matter how hard it is never let anyone

make you feel unimportant

Or unloved.

Because you are amazing


And one of a kind.

In the billion of years

The world has been turning

There will never be another soul like yours......

You are unique....

And beautiful.....

So never...not even for one moment....forget that.

Brought together by the starsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora