·3· school

207 4 11

3rd person
Everyone was gathered around the humongous island in the kitchen while eating cereal provided by demeter. Suddenly, a note appeared on the island. Annabeth grabbed it and read it out loud
"Hello children!
I hope you are enjoying the cereal from Demeter! (She paid me to say that) anyways, since every ship in this room will stay together forever (and that's a threat) if any mortal tries to break you up, they will hear from me. I called the school and you are all set up for the day. You all have the same classes. Also, transportation is no issue. Just grab the keys by the front door and go to the garage. There's a special treat for you all there.
The sea green one is for Percy.
The grey one is for Annabeth.
The purple one is for Piper.
The electric blue one is for Jason.
The black and silver one is for Thalia.
The black one with flames is for Leo.
The lavender one is for Calypso.
The gold one is for Hazel.
The army green one is for Frank.
The grass green one is for Katie.
The orange ones are for the stolls.
The black one is for Nico.
The yellow one is for Will.
Just say what type of car you want into the keys and it will be that car. You can change it an unlimited number of times. Enjoy school!

Piper facepalmed. "Why does she have to be so extra" Piper moaned.

"Come on guys! I wanna go see my car!" Leo said while running to get his keys.

We grabbed our keys and went to the underground garage. "Woah." Thalia said. "Woah indeed." Annabeth said.

The couples all rode together. Connor rode with Travis and Katie while Thalia rode with Jason and Piper.

Percy's pov
We rode to school in our cool cars, earning a lot of stares when we pulled up to school. We walked into the office and got our schedules. We all had the same schedule except for our electives. (In ancient greek of course.) Our schedules looked like this
9:30: homeroom Mr. Blofis
9:45: english Mr. Blofis
10:30: math Ms. Prudens (latin for wise, you'll see why)
11:45: electives Mr. Piscis (latin for fish, you'll see why)
12:30: lunch
1:20: greek/latin Mr. Brunner
2:35: greek myths Mr. Pace
3:20: p.e. Coach Hedge

All the couples held hands so no people got any ideas. While we were walking to homeroom. Luckily for us, that's Paul's class.

We arrived fashionably late (as Aphrodite calls it) Paul smiled and said "Hello Percy. Hi Annabeth. Hello the rest of you!" We all waved back. "Come up and introduce yourselves please. In english."

I went first. "Hi. I'm Percy. I have a girlfriend so please don't get any ideas. I'm fluent in greek and latin."

Annabeth went next. "Hi I'm Annabeth and I wont hesitate to hurt you if you ask me out. I have a boyfriend. I'm originally from San Francisco. Im fluent in greek and latin."

Jason went after her. "Hey. I'm Jason. Thalia over there is my sister and I have a girlfriend. Im fluent in Latin and I know a little greek."

Piper went. "Hi I'm Piper. You could say I'm persuasive. I have a boyfriend. I am fluent in greek and french. Im almost fluent in Latin."

Leo followed. "I'm Leo McShizzle bad-boy supreme flaming Valdez. I'm very hyperactive and I'm good at building things. I have a girlfriend. I'm fluent in greek, almost fluent in latin, and I know morse code."

Calypso went after Leo. "I'm Calypso and I love plants. I have a boyfriend. I am fluent in greek."

Frank went next. "I'm Frank. I'm from Canada originally. I have a girlfriend and I'm fluent in latin."

Hazel went after Frank. "I'm Hazel. I have a boyfriend and I'm fluent in latin."

Nico went after Hazel. "I'm Nico. I have a significant annoyance. I'm fluent in Italian, Latin, and greek.

Will went after Nico. "I'm Will. I have a boyfriend and I am training to be a doctor at my summer camp. Im fluent in Greek and I'm learning Italian.

Katie went. "I'm Katie. I have a boyfriend. I love gardening. I'm fluent in greek."

Normal- Travis. Italics- Connor bold- together.

The stolls went after katie. "We" "are" "the stolls!" "I'm Travis and I have a girlfriend. Connor isn't my twin." "I'm Connor. We're both fluent in" "greek!"

Thalia went after the stolls. "I'm Thalia. I don't date. If you ask me out you got yourself a trip to the hospital. Am I clear? Oh yeah. Jason is my brother. I'm fluent in greek."

We all went back to our seats as the lesson started.

-----time skip to Lunch-----

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