·5· After school

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Emma's pov
When we got to their house I probably looked like a fish out of water. It was a mansion! I thought their luxury cars were nice but a huge mansion too? Wow. I wonder who their parents were.

We stepped inside and my jaw dropped. It was beautiful. "You like it?" The Stolls were beside me. I don't know how they managed to sneak up on me like that though. Annabeth grabbed my hand and gave me a tour of the place.

To the right of the door was the huge living room. To the left of the door was the amazing kitchen that Percy was in, making cookies for everyone with Piper. (Pipercy brotp!) She then led me to an elevator to the rooms. She told me just to put my stuff in the spare bedroom at the end of the hall so I did. She led me up the ladder to the girls hangout where we can have a sleepover later, she showed me the theater, then she brought me to the rooftop pool where we can go swimming later. I thanked her and we went down to the kitchen so we could have some cookies. I called my mom and told her that I was moving in with my friends. She asked to speak to one of them. I gave the phone to Annabeth and she started speaking quietly. Some words I picked up were Hermes, Athena, and It's time. She told me to make sure I listened to Annabeth no matter what. I agreed and I enjoyed my new home.

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