·4· Surprise guests

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3rd person
For electives, Percy had Poseidon incognito for marine biology, Annabeth did architecture, Jason did buisness with the stolls, Hazel did art, Frank did animal studies, Piper did debates, Leo did shop class, Calypso and Katie did botany, Will did music with Nico, and Thalia chose to do archery. Unfortunately, since not all of the couples did their electives together, that meant people were going to hit on them.

Percy's pov
Since Annabeth was doing architecture and I was doing marine biology, we weren't able to be together. In the middle of Marine biology class, I told Poseidon in greek that every girl was hitting on him so he called Aphrodite in from Olympus to deal with them. She brought the girls into another room and taught them from there. Thanks dad. Unfortunately, before he called in Aphrodite, some girl wrote her number on my hand. I can't wait to see my wise girl again.

Annabeth's pov
I was doing architecture when some random jock came up to me and tried to ask me out. Long story short, he's at the nurse's office with a broken nose and a broken back.


3rd person
Everyone's electives were done so everyone went to lunch. The gods gave them wallets that never ran out of money so they can buy lunch. Nico shadow travelled with Will for McDonald's and the rest stayed in the cafeteria to have crappy school food.

Annabeth said "there are 3 guys in the nurse that I know of. 1 from me, 1 from Thalia, and 1 from Piper." That made Percy upset. "Someone hit on you?" He asked, concerned. "Yeah I'm fine though. See?" They went to find a table. They found a table and soon enough, the "populars" asked everyone to sit with them but they disagreed.

A girl with brown hair, blue eyes, michevious features, and a book in her hand went up to Annabeth and asked "do you mind if I sit here? I saw you in my architecture class and you're really smart." Annabeth smiled.  "You can sit here. What's your name?" "I'm Emma." "Do you wanna come to our house after school Emma? We just moved and you seem like a really cool person" Hazel said. "Sure" Emma nodded. "You can ride with me and Frank. We don't have adhd so we're slightly more tolerable." "Frank and I" Annabeth corrected. Hazel stuck her toungenge out at Annabeth. Emma smiled.

-----greek and latin class-----

Everyone walked into greek and latin class and were greeted by Chiron. "Hello children. I expect you are doing well?" Annabeth said "yup" popping the p.

Chiron went to the front of class and said "I am Mr. Brunner and I will be your greek and latin teacher. Raise your hand if you know greek or latin. The seven, Calypso, Thalia, the Stolls, Katie, Will, and Nico raised their hands as well as one girl sitting in the front. Mr. Brunner waved up the demigods and left the girl sitting in the front where she was.
Greek in italics
The demigods walked to the front.
Annabeth- raise your hand if you understand us.
Nobody raised their hands.
Percy- stand up if you can understand what I'm saying.
Nobody stood up.
Piper- guys I think it's time to have some fun
Jason- I'm the son of Jupiter.
Thalia- I'm the daughter of Zeus
Percy- I'm the son of Poseidon. I saved the world a few times. I also turned down immortality for Annabeth. You mortals could never
Annabeth- Hello mortals. My mother is Athena
The Stolls- our dad is Hermes and we have an awesome prank coming so watch your backs.
Katie- my mom is Demeter. I hate school.
Will- my dad is Apollo. My boyfriend can summon the dead.
Nico- I can summon the dead and my boyfriends father does terrible haikus.
Annabeth- Mr. Brunner is Chiron from the greek myths.
Percy- raise your hand if you have adhd or dyslexia.
Still nothing.
Whatever. What do we do now Chiron?
Chiron- you may go sit at a table.
The Stolls- thanks Chiron!
"A+ for all of you. I don't think any of them understood." Chiron chuckled. The demigods laughed and started a conversation at their table. "Oi repair boy! Someone's coming over after school so please try not to set your hair on fire. We want a normal friend. No offence the rest of you. Maybe she can be a new recruit." Thalia said. "No recruiting unless she says so!" Annabeth yelled to Thalia.

The bell rang and the demigods went to greek mythology class.

When they stepped in the door, they found Malcom was their greek myth teacher. "Malcom?" The demigods yelled as they walked in the class. They all rushed to hug him. "Hey guys I'm your greek myths teacher. Try not to insult Mr. Drama Queen Percy." Thunder rumbled outside.

The rest of the students filed in. The demigods all sat together so Malcom could tell them whats happening back at camp during lessons because this class was an easy A for all demigods.

The class sped by and soon enough it was time for P.E.

"Alright cupcakes," coach hedge yelled "we are working on a self defence unit. Clarisse and Chris, come out now." The demigods were all practically jumping up and down at the mention of their friends.

"Hey punks. Im Clarisse and this is Chris. I'm teaching wrestling and Chris is teaching Swordplay. Thalia and Will, you guys will teach archery, the rest of you from camp, come to the sword and daggers area. Prissy and Annabeth, help with demonstrations and please prissy, don't go near the archery unless you want to feel Maimer at capture the flag later. Am I clear?"

The demigods sorted themselves and some stupid mortal challenged Thalia to see who can get more bullseyes so of course Thalia had to show off. Thalia did a backflip and shot and arrow from midair and got a bullseye. That made the mortal scared. She also made Will blindfold her so she could show off even more. She got another bullseye.

Percy and Annabeth were in the middle of a swordfight that lasted 10 minutes when they started kissing so Leo did a perfect impression of Thalia "*covers eyes* Augh pda! Huntress here!" All the demigods started laughing at this and Leo was then being chased around by Thalia with a bow in her hands.

------end of da day-----

Hazel's pov
It was the end of the day and Emma, Frank, and I were driving home. When I was in the car, I learned a lot of things about Emma. She said "Thank you for letting me sit with you guys at lunch. I usually sit in the bathroom but I saw new people and thought I'd give it a shot. Usually I try to take a long time to go home because my step father hates me. I never knew my real father." "Do you want to stay with us?" I asked. She nodded. By her looks and the fact she never knew her real dad, she could be a daughter of Hermes. I texted Annabeth and told her

H- I'm pretty sure Emma is a daughter of Hermes. We'll check when we go home. I'll share my room with her or we can look for a spare room somewhere.
A- thanks for telling me. I thought she might be one too. See you in a few!

-----at the house-----

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