Part 2: Date Number 1-Stefanie (AKA the Rich Snob)

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I do not own any of the characters from Mighty Med, Lab Rats or Elite Force, or any crossover cameos. I only own my mentioned OCs, enjoy.


Kaz stood in front of a mirror after a bath. (which was kinda rare, since he's not the most hygienic person anyone knows) His phone blinged as he looked at it. It was a profile picture of Jordan and her pet German Shepard-Rottweiler Bandit.

"Huh? It's from Jordan." Kaz smiled a bit as he read the message.

'Good luck on your stupid date, Kaz. Remember, if you get no date and girlfriend then you owe me a meal.' -Jordan.

"I'll do my best, and thanks soooo (sarcastic tone) much for the support." Kaz texted back before he gets ready for his date. Although Jordan may seem tough, but deep down she is not as harsh as she seems.


Apparently, the first girl he's going for was arranged by Gus. He better hope that this girl is not as weird as Gus, who has toenail eating fetish.

Kaz looked around as he waited for his date to show up. After a few (and by a few I meant a long while) minutes, he saw a girl heading his way. She was beautiful with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, you must be, like, my date that weird glass kid, like, set me up with." The blonde girl smiled. "I'm Stefanie."


Kaz stood up and tried to flirt with her. "The name's Kaz."

"That is like a weird name." Stefanie commented.

"Yeah..." Kaz forced a smile at the sting of her insult.

"Have a seat." Kaz pulled out a chair and helped Stefanie to sit.

"So, uh...what do you look for in a guy?" Kaz asked.

"My ideal guy has to have, like: Car, Cash, Credit Card, Career-" Stefanie starts to list out her basic requirements for her ideal boyfriend.

"Woah! Wait, you expect a guy to give you all that?!" Kaz paused.

"No, I like, want my man to give me all that." Stefanie replied with a haughty smile. Kaz jaw dropped in shock.

"What would like to order?" A waiter asked.

"I'll have just water." Kaz was shocked by the price of the food.

"I want the T-Bone steak and the premium iced blended mocha with French vanilla cream." Stefanie ordered the most expensive food.

Needless to say, Kaz did not enjoy his date at all. Stefanie was just shallow and vain, she doesn't like superheroes comic books at all. They don't have anything in common.

"Here's the bill." The waiter came by with the bill. Kaz was shocked when he saw the amount. He didn't bring out that much money for the payment.

"The bill is 200 dollars?!" Kaz yelped in shock.

"That's, like, cheap!" Stefanie, who was used to fancy meals and luxurious lifestyle, replied

"I uh... don't have that much." Kaz gulped, looking at his date. "Could you help me pay for-!"

Kaz spotted Stefanie leaving and was flirting with Clayton Harrington, a rich snobby kid from school.

"Ahem?" The waiter hissed at Kaz, motioning him to pay up.

"Uh...may I borrow the phone please?" Kaz asked before quickly calling his friends to help settle the bill. Thankfuly for just him, Oliver and Skylar happened to be in the same French restaurant so he quickly ran to interrupt their date.

"It's so nice to spend the day with you." Skylar smiled as she placed her hand over Oliver's hand as they blushed.

"OLIVER, OLIVER! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Kaz ran over and shouted, interrupting their date.

"Oh come on, even from a friend this is just evil. We were having a moment!" Oliver pointed as he stated he and Skylar were holding hands.

"Can I borrow 200 bucks? I'll pay you back next time please?" Kaz practically begged

"OK fine. But you really gotta prepare well for a date next time." Oliver stated, willingly helping Kaz with his financial problems.


That night...

Kaz hesitated before he called Jordan.

"Yeah he's still coming just a little bit late, he got stuck at the laundromat washing his cape~ she's just watching the clouds flow by as they spell his name, like Louise Lane~"

Jordan's phone rang as she picked up.

"Hello?" Jordan answered the phone.

"Hey Jordan." Kaz sighed.

"Lemme guess, the date didn't go well?" Jordan teased a bit.

"Knock it off, turns out Stefanie was just a shallow snob." Kaz grumbled.

"Stefanie, the girl who thought I was too aggressive and claims to the whole school that I'm an alien wrestling obsessed freak? Yeah I never liked her." Jordan snorted.

"Well, good for you." Kaz commented.

"Hey things will probably go worse on your next date." Jordan joked. "Maybe I can set Bandit out on ya to humiliate your date?"

"Geez I feel so much better." Kaz rolled his eyes.

"I was just teasing you, K%Z" Jordan smirked.

"Alright thanks for the chat Jor," Kaz laughed a bit. "Night"

"Whatever, bye wimp." Jordan rolled her eyes as she heard Kaz ending the call. "That idiot..."


The song of Jordan's ringtone is Waiting for Superman by Daughtry. (Inspired by my friend TeamTLKandBaltoCrew's video). 

Stefanie is from Mighty Med, I never liked her but compared to her cousin OC of mine, Stacy, Stefanie looks like a valedictorian compared to Stacy. 

Kaz once again interrupts a beautiful one sided Skoliver scene (reference to the episode Sheep Shifting) but only no powers are involved AU, Roman and Riker will cameo in the story.

Kaz's second date will be up later this week. Hint: a female character from Elite Force.

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