Part 10/Epilogue: She's Just The Girl I'm Looking For (AKA JAZ!)

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Wow I am at the last chapter already? Yikes! But this story was so fun to write because of the modern AU and it was funny to see our Violent Foursome (Jones, Jordan, Cyd, Maya) so let's see how this story is gonna end.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Mighty Med, Lab Rats or Elite Force, or any crossover cameos. I only own my mentioned OCs, enjoy.


After being sent home by Jordan's parents the next day, Kaz went to his room, having some serious thinking to do.

"Bro, if you want a girl, what's her main criteria? Like what you look for in a girl." One of his friends, Tracy, advised. "write it down ASAP."

"Ok..." Kaz sat straight as he scribbled on a paper as he showed the tomboy later.

Tracy immediately smacked him across the face.

"What did he write?" Skylar asked, peeking over

What I want in a girl

-Must be pretty

-Must be a fan of comics (hopefully a Tecton fan)

-She will not judge my room for being untidy

-She will not mind my laziness

-Will play video games with me day and night, and let me win

"You might as well marry Oliver!" Tracy exclaimed in sarcasm, quoting from Boy Meets World.

Kaz and Oliver quickly looked at each other in disgust.

"Because our kids would all look like horses." Oliver defended. "and I already have a girlfriend."

"Ok, now focus on what you think about Jordan." Tracy advised.

"Alright, well Jordan knows me well, sometimes even better than Oliver knows me." Kaz listed, Jordan had known about his family since they were in first grade.

"She's got a great personality, true I usually want a girly hot girl who is sweet, but Jordan's personality makes her stand out from all the other girls." Kaz added.

[Cues song 'Just The Girl' by the Click Five]

"Wow I should consider being a therapist." Tracy muttered as she grinned at Kaz's description of Jordan. "AND Write a fanfic."

"She's a rebel but never lets anyone get in her way, now that is a real girl!" Kaz stated with a grin.

"Not to mention, she's always been there for you, like Mike is to Eleven." Tracy added.

"STOP QUOTING FROM STRANGER THINGS!" Oliver exclaimed as Tracy sticks out a tongue at him.

"Not my fault Chad and Clayton are such do-." Tracy exclaimed in sarcasm.

"language." Skylar warned.

"Donkeys," Tracy corrected as she continued. "Like Steve Harrington from Season 1, but not sure how Billy will be like. Probably Isabella Coldstone from the down the street's type of guy."

"Guys, how am I supposed to think with you three arguing?" Kaz asked.

"Ok, I guess we will leave you alone then" Oliver nodded, before he opens up the door for Skylar to leave first.

"I better go to, if Roman and Jay catches me talking to another guy, they will probably turn you into a rack of coats like it's faux fur." Tracy added, leaving the house. "But seriously, you got to know how you feel about Jordan; or it would be too late if she chooses another guy. Do you remember Jasmine and Logan's case?"

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