Episode 5-The Wish

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Ethan: "I love you." He mouths as his mother throws him in the car. 

It's been almost a year since I have seen Ethan in person. Sure we would FaceTime, but it wasn't the same. I wasn't surprised that my mom lied about seeing him once a week. We never got to meet up. We'd try, but we'd fail. We wouldn't text as much anymore because he's always busy. Busy as in playing Fortnite and filming videos for their fans. I'd find myself refreshing the page till their new video pops up. That's how much I miss Ethan. What hurts me the most were rumors. There's a thing going around about Ethma. Apparently, Ethan is dating a girl named Emma. Great. I'd find myself watching those Ethma videos. All of them were stupid. They look at each other, they're dating. Sometimes, I would believe it's true. It hurts when I do. 

In 2 weeks, it's my birthday. My mom said she'd let me go out. Not to see Ethan though, just to go to the mall and hang out. By myself of course, because I have no friends. Ethan's the only one. 

*At the Mall*

Cashier: "Your total is $6.38." She startles me. As I hand over the money, I dip my spoon into the ice cream. I close my eyes as I feel the ice cream melt in my mouth. The cashier hands me my change and I'm out of the store. Near the store, there was a fountain. It was a tradition for Ethan and I. Everyday before our birthday, we would find a fountain and throw pennies and make a wish. Our wishes could only be shared between us. Every year it was the same wish. 'Friendship forever, enemies never.' 

I sat on the edge of the fountain, dipping my fingers in the water. So many coins, so many wishes, so many friendships. The mall is silent till I hear someone laughing loudly. I smile. Ethan always had the loudest laugh. It was adorable. But something about that laugh made me shiver. I glance over to see who it was. As I thought, it was him. Grayson Bailey Dolan. My first boyfriend. My only boyfriend I had. He was laughing as his friend, James, fell to the ground. I couldn't help but laugh along. It was too funny. Trying to keep in my laugh in me, I fail. My laugh leaves my mouth. As James gets up, he struts over to me. 

James: "What are you laughing at bitch ass?" He smiles. My heart stops. I can't tell if he's kidding or serious.

Grayson: "Dude, you can't just yell at strangers-" He pauses. His eyes meet mine as he smiles. 

Grayson: "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same. I thought you hated the mall."

Grayson: "I do, but we're filming a video." He holds up and shows me his phone. 

"Umm, by any chance, is Ethan here?'

Grayson: "Yeah, he's with Emma." My heart drops. 

"Is he dating her?"

Grayson: "No, Y/N, you can't believe the rumors. They're just best friends." I felt my heart break into millions of pieces. Best friends? He replaced me already. Great. An idea pops into my mind. 

"Gray, are you able to hang out later?"

Grayson: "Yeah, of course. We should meet up. Your house?" I nod. My mom never said I couldn't hang out with Grayson.

Grayson: "I'll drop by like a 5, if that's okay with you?"

I smile. "I'll be waiting. It was nice seeing you."

Grayson: "I'd better get going. Ethan and Emma are waiting." He leans down and hugs me. Ethan...

James: "Hurry up! Sister Santa is waiting." He pouts. Grayson smiles and waves while he leaves. James follows, glaring at me angrily. I ignore him. Looking down at the water, I take a coin out of my pocket. Throwing it, the coin sinks down as I make my wish. 

Little did I know, that wish was sure to come true. Soon. 

Wishes Do Come True - Ethan Dolan ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now