Episode 9-Fortunate Event

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Immediately, Ethan covers us up with the blanket. 

Ethan: "Um, I can't say this isn't what it looks like, so uh hi." My mom flips the lights on, blinding us.

Mom: "Seems like you moved on from Ethan, haven't you?"

Ethan: "What do you mean? I am Eoww-" I pinch him. My mom thinks this is Grayson. I need to keep it that way. 

"What he means to say, he is Ethan's enemy."

Mom: "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Since Ethan loves me, Grayson here wants to win my heart." 

Ethan: "Yeah, so here I am. Getting Y/N pregnant." Oh my God, did he just say that? I glance at him. He's smiling nervously. He is such a bad liar.

Mom: "This whole moment I thought Ethan was the bad guy.  Turns out you are. Leave now! Never speak to her ever again!" Ethan glances at me. He winks, which means he has a plan. 

"Umm, mom. I think Grayson needs privacy to change."

Mom: "You have 2 minutes." She snaps as she closes the door. Ethan reaches for my face and plants a kiss on my lips. 

Ethan: "The plan is working. Don't ruin it."

"What plan?" I tilt my head, confused. 

Ethan: "Since she hates Grayson, now she can forgive me."

"Which means we can see each other?" He nods and starts to get dressed quickly. 

"Ethan, what if this doesn't work? What then?" He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs.

Ethan: "Let's think positive, not negative."

"You're right. This will work, I know it will."

Ethan: "Today is our birthday. Anything can happen." Smiling, I lean in and kiss his lips. They were soft. 

"Happy birthday and happy friendship day."

Ethan: "22 years together. Always inseparable." My mom bursts through the door, frowning. 

Mom: "Leave and tell your brother to come over." I look up at Ethan, who was frowning. 

Ethan: "Aww, man. He wins again." He says sarcastically. 

I smirk. "Aww that's too bad. I didn't like you anyways." He raises his eyebrow, amused. My mom walks into the room and pulls him out. 

Mom: "You look like Ethan." She murmurs

Ethan: "That's because-" My heart stops. "We're twins."

Mom: "Duh, you guys are identical. Now get out!" Ethan leaves without turning back. When I hear the front door slam, I start to cry.

Mom: "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. Don't worry."

"You took both of them out of my life." I sob. I thank God for my talent of acting. 

Mom:"Baby, I thought Grayson would love you. I was wrong."

"What now? They're gone forever." She pulls out her phone and smiles. 

Mom: "Let me give Lisa a call." Her phone rings. 

Mom: "Hello? I was just about to call you. What's wrong?" I try to read her face expressions. They kept changing. My mom hangs up and smiles. 

Mom:"Sweetie, go head downstairs. Ethan's here." My heart pounds. Even though I saw him already, I run downstairs. There he was, holding a white rose while wearing a tux. 

"Ethan? What are you wearing?" He seems nervous. My heart sinks at the thought that he might be saying goodbye. He gazes at me and then drops to one knee in front of me. He reaches for my hand and kisses it. 

Ethan: "My beautiful Y/N, I love you. Your grace, beauty and fiery spirit have no equal, and you have captured my heart." My world stops. My heart pounds. My eyes watering. 

Ethan: "Spend your life with me. Marry me."

Wishes Do Come True - Ethan Dolan ImagineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang