iv. "she's dumping your ass"

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TRIGGER WARNING: talks of sex, peer-pressure.



abz 🥺
tom wants me to sleep with him.

sadez 💖
don't y'all already do that?

abz 🥺
no, like yk, s l e e p with him

sadez 💖
holy shit abbie, what are you gona do?

abz 🥺
i'm not ready sadie, he won't
accept he fact i'm not ready.
he's saying i'm a 'pussy' for not
sleeping with him.

sadez 💖
but youre not? just because you
don't want to doesn't mean youre a

abz 🥺
i left his house, i took my stuff with me
can i come to yours?

sadez 💖
the doors wide open abz, you know you
don't have to ask.


ABBIE PUSHED THE front door open, dripping in the cold rain that was pouring down. "well, you look.. great." sadie smiled, trying to lighten her spirits. "you're funny, aren't you." sighed abbie, as sadie took her wet belongings, placing them on the radiator to dry.

"so, tell me what happened." sadie said, closing the door behind abbie as she slipped off her shoes, leaving them beside the door. "we were talking, and then all of a sudden he pushed himself onto me, at first i thought he wanted a kiss, which was fine, but then he started pulling at my clothes. it's like he was trying to rip them off or something." abbie sighed, as the two girls walked upstairs, sadie rummaged through her closet to find something for abbie to wear.

"and, i told him i wasn't ready, that i didn't want to do it, but he kept pressuring me. he said i was a 'pussy' and that 'i should be ready because we've been together for so long'. after that i just got my stuff and left." she finished, as sadie turned to her with a sympathetic look on her face. "here, you can stay here tonight and i'll drive you home tomorrow." sadie smiled, handing her a pair of jeans and a shirt. abbie smiled, giving the ginger a hug before walking into the bathroom.

sadie sat on the edge of her bed, as abbie's phone rested beside her, ping after long coming from the phone as the screen lit up.

tommy ✨ is typing...

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to pressure you. i just thought you were kidding. i'm sorry."

sadie sighed, resting her head in her hands as she tried to make sense of this whole situation. "sades, who's texting me?" abbie asked from inside the bathroom. "thomas." sadie croaked out, clearing her throat. "tell him i don't want to speak to him, i don't care what he has to say." abbie huffed, anger laced in her voice.

sadie picked up her phone, typing in her password. it was the date she and abbie met, march 19th, 2013. she hesitantly pressed the messages icon, letting out a shaky sigh as she began to type.



i'm sorry, i didn't mean to
pressure you. i just thought
you were kidding. i'm sorry.

abbie 💓
hey, it's sadie, she told me to
tell you she isn't ready to speak
to you yet.. you really hurt her

lmao i don't need you to tell me.
let me guess, you put this whole 'not
speaking to me' idea in her head..
i'm not stupid, i see how you look
at her.

abbie 💓
i don't know what you're talking about.
she's my best friend, i've known her
nearly 7 years. that's all i see her as.
she asked me to tell you she's finished
with you and your bullshit.
i guess you could say shes dumping your ass.

tommy has been blocked!

✔︎𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 , sadie sinkWhere stories live. Discover now