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Wang Yibo's POV:

"Oh, I have an idea!" Dre grins and for some reason, it makes my heart beat faster "Boss, you should move in with Xiao Zhan!"


"I approve" that would be Jiang Cheng "Yes, Officer Wang should move in with you Zhan, that way I'll be assured that you're safe".

"I agree too" Brother gaze passes between Xiao Zhan and me "Adrian's idea is not bad" and Dre jumps in "See I told you it's a great idea" each of them start pitching in ideas whilst my gaze steadies on Xiao Zhan who looks perturbed.

"Quiet" I command and the room plunges into absolute silence "everyone out. I need to talk to Mr. Xiao Zhan. This is something we need to discuss" I stress "alone" and they concur.

Closing the door behind them I take a seat on the couch opposite to his bed. Raking my hair with my fingers I huff in distress.

Why isn't he saying something?

To fill the awkwardness I finally look into his eyes and speak up "You don't have to agree Mr. Xiao Zhan, I think we can come up with some plan eventually".

A moment later he finally speaks "How would you plan on doing that?" He's curious and no longer perturbed which is a good sign.

"I'll place two of my boys outside your house and at night I'd personally stand guard" I shrug. It's going to be so exhausting.

"That's going to be exhausting" he speaks my mind out "if" he pauses "if you were to move into my place... how would that work out?" He looks down at his lap and plays with a random thread.

What is he thinking?

"Well for one I would be there. Even if I am called in for duty there would be someone with you at all times. Please don't worry, you won't even realise their presence. Ofcourse at night I'll be there and as I said, you won't even know we're around. I'll set up security cameras in the foyer of your penthouse and other such blind spots. We'll be upgrading all the cameras around your building. Along with main security guard you'd also have private guards under disguise" I pause to gauge his reaction and then he nods "So you would be like a roommate?" He questions and I shrug "Yes, a roommate. Will that be alright?".

"I suppose so" it's when he looks into my eyes do I realise how much he has changed since we met. Back then he was a young boy but the person sitting in front of me is a shell of that boy. His eyes are soulless. They look vacant. He's not happy with this situation. It's stifling him "Officer Yibo, I am a very private person. Know one thing, in my personal space the only to enter my home are Doc and Jiang Cheng" he sighs "but I also cannot ignore the fact that I did drag myself into this and thus need to be responsible. So yes I agree to the plan" he looks away.

I try to placate the situation before I leave "I assure you Mr. Xiao Zhan that in no way will we cause any hindrance to you or your lifestyle" I try to smile and bring my hand out to shake but all he does is stare at it and the next moment he turns his face, lies on the bed and covers himself with the blanket.


Shaking my head I leave him alone and walk out of the room. I find Sean standing guard and he salutes "Boss, Vice asked me to inform you that they're all in Dr. Wang Huan's office waiting for you".

 Wang Huan's office waiting for you"

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Untameable ( Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan) ThrillerWhere stories live. Discover now