🌺Thank You 🌺

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My dearest readers,

This is going to be one long Thank You note so kindly bare with me.

🌸 I would first like to thank Author Mo  Xiang Tong Xiu. If not for you, we would not have been able to read the masterpiece : Mo Dao Zu Shi.

🌸 Secondly, the entire team of the drama "The Untamed". Such a spectacular creativity. You made us fall for the beautiful fantasy world that taught us the meaning of love, sacrifice and friendsip.

🌸 Pinterest and all the graphic designer who chose this platform to submit your works: I love you.

🌸 Now to all my lovely readers:

When I thought of penning this beautiful story, trust me I had my doubts. I wondered how dark can this story get? Will my readers love it? Would they hate it? Will they take a chance and give my work a try?

I spoke to few of my readers about this, some of them you're aware about. Hehe.

FyreRayne, iamhooria, ElizabethHuffman071 and nihashar.

These guys guided me when I wanted to get into the minds of my readers. So thank you guys, so much!

I also wanted to thank Wenly07 for trusting and having faith in me to pen down this beautiful thought of yours. I will be posting the first drafts (screenshots) of how the story came to be.

Now, it's always hard for me to say goodbye to my boys but I believe they're happy, dominant and very much in love. Each and everyday when I sat to write their story, I cried with them, empathized with them and above all I just wanted to feel for an anti-hero.

A story which just says that "People aren't bad. Circumstances make them bad." I wanted to touch on so many topics like mental health, therapy and a life that is beyond roses and confettis. I hope to have conveyed them to some degree.

Many of you have asked me through your comments that "Author-nim, do you feel emotional when you write those heart wrenching scenes?". The answer is yes! There have been times when unknowingly I have tears in my eyes. There wasn't much I could do but bring my thoughts to life and for you all to feel their heart.

I would like to reiterate that all your comments motivated me to write. They motivated me to update. They just kept me going because I knew you guys are waiting for me but what made me emotional were your DMs. There were some days when I was sick and would not be in a position to update for a day or two and you guys would DM me, asking me if I am alright? It made me feel so special. Thank you.

I am glad that this book made you all "feel" and that's one thing each author wants in life.

I have been feeling this undeniable void in my heart knowing that I have finally penned down the book and there was nothing more to add or say. I too wished for the book to have been a never ending work, but then that would have just dragged their eternal forever.

Thank you for taking out the time to read from your precious day and making my life a little more happier. I also admit I might not be the best when it comes to replying to your comments but know that each and everyone of them brings me immense happiness. There are so many of you I want to thank, your comments made me laugh.

I really don't want to say goodbye. It makes me sad but then sweets, thank you for making me a part of your larger than life and remembering to come here and read my work.

With a bit of thriller, a lot of romance and a whole more of WangXian heart, this is your LuvLaws.

~"Remember the glory of our
Red String of Fate"~

Until we meet again.

Warm Regards,

Your Author-nim,
LuvLaws (灬º‿º灬)♡

Your Author-nim,LuvLaws (灬º‿º灬)♡Eroticfictionauthor

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