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Wang Yibo's POV:

Softly approaching Weibo's office I observe the door is partially open. Opening them my eyes trail to the man standing in front of his beloved window with his back towards me. I was surprised to see him dressed to the point. Donning a crisp three piece suit, he is a sight to behold.

I knock on the door and gasp inwardly as he turns to look at me with a warm smile. His hair gelled back, he had his glasses resting on his nose causally, his lips were glistening under rays of sun from the coffee he's sipping.

"BoBo" his warm honey laced voice stirs me from my stupor and I enter his office.

"Are you going somewhere?" I enquire and he nods "Yes, it's time for me to enter the world and make a statement as to who is behind the Xiao Group of Hotels. Don't you think?"

Walking to where I am standing he slowly trails his thumb under my lips and whispers "Stop looking at me like you want to devour me, BoBo. You're drooling" he winks and I back away a bit.

"I'll send Sean to accompany you" as I fish out my phone he stops me by gently placing his hand on mine "Don't. You need your boys to be safe. Plus, the more they're with me, J will keep harming them. Last night I received a call from him and something tells me he won't hurt me yet. Rather it's just the opposite. He wants me and" he pauses to grin "I have made up my mind to play with him a bit."

"What?" I growl and his eyes softens at my concern and continues "Do you trust me?" his question is simple but the implications not so. Yet I did trust the soul in front of me. He knew my words weren't the validation he needs and yet to assure me he smiles "Maybe this would appease you." He walks out of his office and I follow him. Passing through the gym room we stand in front of another door hidden in one corner. Typing in the passcode we enter and the room is swathed in warm lights and I blink.


The room is filled with high end technical weapons. From guns to rifles every possible arsenal could be found in here.

"Are you some kind of double agent?" I tease him and he laughs sweetly.

"I wish" turning back to me he spreads his arm around "I did tell you that Xiao Zhan isn't some damsel in distress. I know how to protect myself." Gesturing me out of the room he locks it safely and we walk back to his office "I need to sort out few things in my office today and" he pauses standing close to me "have dinner with me tonight. I'll tell you everything then."

All I could do is nod.

His phone rings and giving me a wink, picking up his jacket, he leaves for the day.

I don't delve much into the thought of having dinner with him tonight when Chief calls me on my phone "Wang, I need you to go to the crime lab. They have some reports for us. Pick them up and meet me at the stake house. We'll all be there."

Dr. Li Ruan Suk's office.

"Chief, can't someone else go?"

"Nope. Sean and Vice are investigating and helping the Human Trafficking Department today. Drew and Jun are helping the Narcotics Department. Is there any problem officer?"

Fuck. He's calling me officer and not Wang. He means business.

"Nothing Chief. I'll get the reports." Fuck.

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Untameable ( Wang Yibo x Xiao Zhan) ThrillerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin