Chapter 1 The Awakening

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The Doom Slayer's POV

I just woke up and find myself in chains. A possessed appeared and walks towards me. I pull on the chain of my right arm until it breaks, then I grab the possessed by the eye and smash its head into the sarcophagus, in which I resided.

I got up and noticed that I was almost naked. I saw a pistol on the floor so I garbed it and started to open fire on the possessed. I went into the next room and found my Praetor Suit. I went to it and garbed the Chest piece, then I started to see visions of Hell. When the visions ended I was wearing the suit. I placed the helmet on my head and it started to configure. After it finished I looked to the Screen Monitor, it read, unknown demonic innovation.

The Doom Slayer's Thought: Just great, these scientist jerks opened a portal to hell again

Then, all of a sudden, a voice came and started to speak.

 Dr.Samuel Hayden: Welcome. I'm Dr. Samuel Hayden. I'm the head of this facility. I thing we can work together and resolve this problem in a way that benefits us both.

I shook my head as a no.

The Doom Slayer's Thought: Yeah right, they will just get killed or possessed and the demons will use their ship to start an invasion to Earth.

As Hayden was finished, I grabbed the monitor and threw it away. This day will get worse, for the demons.

As I progressed i found a dead soldier trapped in a door with a combat shotgun. I took the shotgun and as i did the door severed his other half. Beyond that door i found an imp, so I shot it once with the shotgun and ripped its head out.

After a few minutes I arrived at an Elevator. I stepped in and went up. As it was going up, Hayden appeared again.

The Doom Slayer's Thought: Stupid scientist thinking they can use Hell for their own purposes.

Dr.Samuel Hayden: I'm willing to take full responsibility for the horrible events of the last 24 hours, but you must understand: Our interest in their world was purely for the betterment of mankind. Everything has clearly gotten out of hand now, yes, but it was worth the risk. I assure you.

As he was talking I cracked my knuckles and punched the screen once he was finished.

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