Chapter 18

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Louis' POV

I wish I could do something about us being a secret. I don't understand how she always takes it so well. I know it bothers her. I just want to make this up to her every way I can till we can just be open about us. Tonight should be a special night. I've planned more for it than she knows. She deserves a good night. Everyday for her should be better than the day before. I know I can't top Christmas when I proposed to her. Hopefully tonight will come close to that.

It's been nice being with Allison today. We've just laid around. I love laying around with her in my arms. I know we won't be able to do it very much when I go back to work, well school for her. I'm happy about tonight. We deserve to have nights together like tonight. I might find a way so we can have them more often. I know she's going to love everything I have planned for us tonight. She's defiantly going to be surprised about one thing. We were laying on the couch in the living room watching her favorite show. Honestly it's probably my favorite show now. It's basically the only thing we watch. I don't mind though. It grew on me after watching it so much.

I looked towards the window and saw that it was already dark outside. I know we need to start getting ready. I looked down and saw that she already fell back asleep. I know we're going to be up late. I don't want to wake her up but I need to. I leaned down, leaving soft kisses on her face. I noticed her started to smile as she opened her eyes. I pecker her lips, "We need to start getting ready, love."

She moved closer to me, "Can we just stay like this for a few more minutes?"

I nodded, tightening my arms around her. I know I can't tell her no. If I do it's hard to. I just want to give her everything that she wants. She deserves it. I noticed that she had closed her eyes again. I smiled to myself, kissing her cheek, "You can't go back to sleep, love. I have the night planned for us."

She groaned, "I want to sleep."

"I promise we can lay around and sleep tomorrow if that's what you want."

She mumbled, "Okay."

I don't understand why she's so tired. It seems like she's been starting to sleep more than she usually had before. Maybe she slept more before we got together and I'm just not used to it. She pecked my lips, "I'm going to go get ready."

Before I could say anything she moved out of my arms, walking upstairs. Hopefully she doesn't take too long. I want to start surprising her. I got off the couch, turning off the TV before walking upstairs. Hopefully we don't take too long getting ready. She's actually kind of fast getting ready compared to other girls. But I don't mind waiting for her even though she's perfect as it is to me. I wish she understood that. She doesn't need to worry make up or anything else.

When I finished getting ready I walked over, sitting on the bed. I don't mind waiting for her. I know we still have some time before we even have to be anywhere. I laid back on the bed, closing my eyes. It's been months of us being together and I still can't believe she's mine. I'm so happy that she is. Who knows how I would be right now. I don't think I would be around Jace and Joey again. I wanted away for a reason and I don't plan on going around them anymore. I just want everything to be perfect for Allison. She deserves that. She puts up with my past. She doesn't really care about what I've done. Only about how I am now. I know any other girl would judge me because of all that. I'm so thankful that she doesn't. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Allison on top of me. I opened my eyes, smirking a little bit when I saw that she was straddling me. She looks sexy wearing the outfit I got her yesterday. I put my hands on her hips, "I like when you're on top.''

She smiled, shaking her head, "You're a pervert."

I chuckled, "No I'm not."

Before she could say anything, I moved one of my hands from her hip, placing it on her leg. I started moving it up so that it was under her skirt. I smirked a little bit, "Baby, if I was a pervert I would be doing this all the time except it would be more than this."

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